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Welcome to Willis Junior High School EMPOWER, ACHIEVE, LEAD.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Willis Junior High School EMPOWER, ACHIEVE, LEAD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Willis Junior High School EMPOWER, ACHIEVE, LEAD

2 Welcome WJHS Firebirds! Principal - Mr. Delp Assistant Principal - Mr. Epstein Dean of Students - Mrs. VonLaven Counselor - Ms. McCallister Counselor - Mr. Cady SRO - Officer Story Security - Mr. Avila (Tony)

3 2011-12 School Theme Learning and Leading with PRIDE

4 Learning and Leading with PRIDE Be passionate about your interests, your studies and our school! Care about your legacy Consistently demonstrate pride in your classwork, actions and our school Pay attention in class and actively participate Find a way to be involved Use school as an opportunity to pursue your passions

5 Learning and Leading with PRIDE Spend time thinking about your actions, behavior and performance. Think before you act Recognize areas for improvement and work to get better How do your actions impact others? Learn from your mistakes

6 Learning and Leading with PRIDE Focus on things you have the power to control and/or improve upon. Accept responsibility for your actions and consistently seek to improve Be honest Seek help if you need it Recognize areas for improvement and work to get better Be in school

7 Learning and Leading with PRIDE Know that you can make a difference in our school, in our community and in our world…NOW! Demonstrate leadership through positive actions Look for ways to help others Keep our campus clean Stay on the sidewalks Clean airways--watch your language. Go out of your way to be polite and treat others with respect…be nice!

8 Learning and Leading with PRIDE Have high expectations for yourself and be understanding of others. Treat peers and adults with respect Remember that we all have rough days Be accepting of differences in others Do not tolerate bullying: don’t do it and don’t allow it to happen Seek help to resolve issues appropriately Follow the directions of ALL adults on our campus the first time they are given “I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me. All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.” - Jackie Robinson

9 We have very high expectations for your academics, attitude and behavior Expect to be held accountable if you are not meeting those expectations Expect to have an exceptional school year with many successes if you make the effort to meet those expectations High Expectations

10 2011-12 School Theme Learning and Leading with PRIDE

11 School Rules Be sure to pay attention when your teachers review the student handbook - these rules will be enforced, you need to know them Pay particular attention to dress code and hair color Electronic devices (phones, iPods, etc.) should be put away as soon as you enter campus If you ride a bus, be certain your behavior is appropriate. There are serious consequences for inappropriate behavior on the bus.

12 Serious Disciplinary Issues Fighting Drugs/Alcohol Weapons/Dangerous Instruments Bullying Theft These behaviors are not representative of our school values and will not be tolerated. Violations will result in suspensions and police involvement.

13 A Few More Things: Leave valuable items at home to prevent loss or theft Lunch lines can be long at the beginning of the year, but they will get better Try-outs for the first sports season begin next Monday: flag football, boy’s soccer and girl’s volleyball

14 Remember: Your actions reflect on our entire school--make good decisions and make a positive impression Have high expectations for yourself Find ways to be involved Respect our campus, respect others and respect yourself If you have questions or need help, ask. We are here to help you succeed. Be proud that you are a Firebird EMPOWER, ACHIEVE, LEAD

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