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Minnesota: “1-3-6” Early Intervention by 6 Mo.

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1 Minnesota: “1-3-6” Early Intervention by 6 Mo.
Pat Rice, UNHS Coordinator Yaoli Li, EHDI Coordinator Penny Hatcher, Projects Director Minnesota Department of Health

2 What’s unique to Minnesota other than our Governor ?

3 Minnesota EHDI Statistics
Voluntary State: No Legislation 70,500 live births-78% screened at birth 112 Hospitals (110 Birthing Hospitals) Tracking hearing via metabolic screening Received both MCHB & CDC grants MDH

4 ??Where are the remaining 549 D/HH kids??
Child Count Data In MN 600 D/HH children (0-2 yrs) should have an IFSP Yet….only 51 D/HH children (birth through 2 yrs) currently receive early intervention! ??Where are the remaining 549 D/HH kids?? MDH

5 Minnesota Partnerships
MDH = Minnesota Department of Health Newborn Metabolic Screening MCSHN: Follow Along Program (FAP) Newborn Screening & Infrastructure Development Planning Grant DCFL = Department of Children, Families and Learning DHS = Department of Human Services University of Minnesota Audiology MDH

6 Audiology Training Provided through contract with the U of MN Audiology Clinic- Dept of ENT Designed 2 didactic and Hands on training Practicum with 7 experienced Pediatric Audiologist mentors Referrals to PCP, FAP, MDH and Early Intervention MDH

7 Hearing Aid Loaner Bank
Established at the U. of MN with contributions from Lions and MDH 33 conventional and programmable hearing aids available for infants to use until personal aids obtained Audiologist requests aid(s) from Loaner Bank Will track Parent Satisfaction and HA use MDH

8 Follow Along Program (FAP)
Part C program currently in 84/87 Counties and 2 tribes following children age 0-3 Local PHN follows at risk children including children who did not pass a hearing screen PHNs have been trained on risk factors for hearing loss and referral to Early Intervention. MDH

9 Regional EHDI Network Composed of 16 regional EHDI Teams
Funded through Part C and State Dollars State Planners: MDH, DCFL, DHS Each team consists of: Educational Audiologist Early Childhood Educator Teacher of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing MDH

10 Purpose of EHDI Teams Build capacity in local areas to better meet the needs of infants with hearing loss and their families Provide technical assistance and consultation to the regions Provide additional training to professionals serving infants with hearing loss and their families MDH

11 MN Early Intervention Programs
Family Centered-Home Based IFSP driven with local school control Focus on Family Support Interventionists work primarily with caregivers who then teach their own child Respect families need to work through decision making process MDH

12 EHDI Network cont. 3 Trainings Annually to bring team members on the “same page” -Recognize what each profession may bring to family Topics: Normal Speech and Language Development ; Grief, Audiology, Curricula, Family dynamics, Train the trainer model etc. Connections to N Carolina research project to identify curriculum for D/HH children & families Exploring web based reporting for future team communication MDH

13 Family Resource Guide Included on MDH website-easier to keep information current. List EHDI links for families and providers nationally and internationally Bookmarks printed to advertise website. MCSHN: Guidelines for Care : Deaf and Hard of Hearing MDH

14 MDH Website
Focus on links to other agencies, ie: Health Education Private agencies Site is ADA compatible MDH

15 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
9 regional centers statewide liking to EHDI teams Link for families to family camps, equipment loan, library and consultation Will be establishing a deaf mentor program MDH

16 EHDI Challenge !!! Develop a surveillance system that will track all identified deaf and hard of hearing babies and their families and connect them with appropriate early intervention services before age 6 mo!!!!!!! MDH

17 MDH

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