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中国学生留美及学术准备趋势 Trends of Chinese Students Going to College Overseas and Required Academic Readiness 王湘波博士 Xiang (Bo) Wang, Ph.D. 副总裁 Vice President 大学理事会 The.

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Presentation on theme: "中国学生留美及学术准备趋势 Trends of Chinese Students Going to College Overseas and Required Academic Readiness 王湘波博士 Xiang (Bo) Wang, Ph.D. 副总裁 Vice President 大学理事会 The."— Presentation transcript:

1 中国学生留美及学术准备趋势 Trends of Chinese Students Going to College Overseas and Required Academic Readiness 王湘波博士 Xiang (Bo) Wang, Ph.D. 副总裁 Vice President 大学理事会 The College Board

2 自我介绍/Self Introduction
77年考进湖南 大学/Admitted into Hunan University in 77 82-85年在湖南 大学任教/Taught at Hunan Uni. b/w 82 and 85. 85-92年留美攻读硕士,博士和博士后/Obtained my MA, Ph.D. and Post doctorate in America b/w 92-现在一直在美从事教育工作/Have been working in education work in America since 92 培养了两个优秀儿子/Raised two excelling sons

3 今天,我只想以一个“老”留学生,教育工作者, 父亲的身分,与大家交流 Today, I only wish to exchange with you on how to most successfully study overseas as an “old” student, educator and father.

4 当今世界留学的主要趋势 Today’s Main Trends on International Student Mobility

5 全世界留学热潮不断高涨, 包括所有学术项目和学位/Global student mobility is still on the rise, across all academic programs and degrees. 这个趋势对大学用英语授课的国家特别明显/This trend is especially true for countries with universities offering English medium academic programs.

6 2010 2001 全世界=3.7百万留学生 全世界=2百万留学生 (美国=740,000) (美国=550,000)
Worldwide: 3.7 million int’l students (U.S. = 740,000) 2001 全世界=2百万留学生 (美国=550,000) Worldwide: 2 million int’l students (U.S. = 550,000) 2009 is the most recent academic year provided within Project Atlas. Source: College Board Internal Analysis based on data from the Institute of International Education (IIE)’s Project Atlas and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (2010). Education at a Glance Paris: OECD In 2010, English-speaking countries (U.S. + UK + Commonwealth Countries) hosted more than 1.6 million int’l students.

7 世界留学生学位比例/Int’l Students Degree Percentages

8 总趋势/General Trend 学年, 中国学生留美增加43%./The number of Chinese students enrolled in U.S. undergraduate programs grew 43% last year. 韩国, 越南,沙特阿拉伯学生留美也极大增加/South Korea, Vietnam, and Saudi Arabia also experienced impressive gains.

9 十大留美本科生源 Top 10 Countries of Origin of Int’l Undergraduates Studying in the US
COUNTRY 2009/10 2010/11 1 CHINA中国 40,000 57,000 2 SOUTH KOREA 韩国 36,000 38,000 3 INDIA 印度 15,000 14,000 4 CANADA 加拿大 13,000 5 VIETNAM 越南 9,000 11,000 6 SAUDI ARABIA 沙特 7 JAPAN 日本 8 MEXICO 墨西哥 8,000 9 NEPAL 尼泊尔 7,000 6,000 10 TAIWAN 台湾 As a global test administered in over 170 countries, the SAT’s role in search services cannot be underestimated. Source: Open Doors 2011 Report on International Educational Exchange.

10 20 Most Searched American Universities
搜索访问量最高的20所美国大学 20 Most Searched American Universities # All International Students All China 1 Harvard College New York University 2 Cornell University 3 University of California: Berkeley 4 Boston University University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 5 Columbia University University of California: Los Angeles 6 Stanford University University of Michigan 7 Yale University 8 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 9 Brown University University of Washington 10 11 12 University of Pennsylvania University of Southern California 13 Princeton University 14 15 16 Duke University University of Wisconsin-Madison 17 Boston College Purdue University 18 Northeastern University Penn State University Park 19 University of Texas at Austin University of Virginia 20 Carnegie Mellon University Source: College Board internal analysis, traffic July June 27, 2011

11 中国学生留学现状 Current Status of Chinese Students
“全民留学”, 除经济条件限制以外/ Everyone can go to study overseas, with only financial limitations.

12 问题是…/The Questions are…
是否每人都能留学成功?/Can everyone succeed in studying abroad? 如何定义留学成功?/What is the definition of successful studies overseas?

13 留学的最终目的是什么? What is the ultimate purpose of going overseas to study?
学习掌握最先进的知识和技能/Master the most advanced knowledge, technology and skills 成为某领域的领军人物/Become a leader in a area.

14 成功留学主要指数或体现/Main Reflections of Successful Studies Abroad
平均成绩至少中上/GPA≥3.5/ 科技/专业水平大大超过留学国学生,≥前15%/Academic performance must be in the top 15%. 外语近似于母语水平,包括听,说,写,读/Near-native language proficiency 掌握留学国历史,文化/Conversant in history and culture of the study country 融入留学国生活,时尚/Acculturated in life and style

15 要达到以上,必须从到达留学国第一天开始, 因为: In order to achieve the above, one must realize the following from Day 1, because: 世界竞争的大战场/The world is full of competition. 良好高端机会寥寥无几/Good jobs are hard to find. 如不优秀, 只可能捡人家剩下/Without educational excellence, one can only do what is normally left over. 或吃“0”蛋/ or even jobless.

16 问题不是能不能留学, 而是如何更好留学! The Issue is not about the possibility of going to study overseas, but how to best study overseas.

17 美国大学理事会,以PSAT®, SAT®, AP®,“大学搜寻”,和一系列优质服务、帮助所有学生, 包括美国及国际学生, 最好地申请大学,学习成功!
The College Board with its PSAT®, SAT®, AP®, College Search and its excellent services, can help all students best apply to and excel in college.

18 大学理事会的性质和宗旨 The Nature and Mission of the College Board
成立于1900年,大学理事会是一个非营利性的会员制 教育机构。/Founded in 1900, the College Board is not- for-profit educational membership organization. 大学理事会的宗旨是帮助学生获得机会升入大学学习 并成功完成学业。/Its mission is to “Connect Students to College Success” 大学理事会的会员包括5,600多个中学,大学,以及教 育机构。The College Board membership consists of >5,600 middle schools, colleges and universities and educational institutions. Source:

19 什么是PSAT?/ What is PSAT? PSAT=“准SAT”/PSAT stands for “Pre-SAT”
专门为考好SAT作准备/ Prepare for the SAT® 为上大学,选职业做准备/Plan for college and careers 诊断学术能力/Diagnose for skill strengths and weaknesses 将学生与大学联系起来/Connect students with colleges and other higher education institutions Testing time: 2 hours and 10 minutes (plus ~35 min for administrative activities) Test has five sections: Two 25-minute critical reading sections Two 25-minute math sections One 30-minute writing skills section Scores for each content area are on a 20-to-80 point scale

20 什么是SAT ®?/What is SAT ®? SAT® 是全世界最广泛运用大学入学考试/The SAT® is the most widely used university entrance examination in the United States. SAT成绩被用于/SAT scores are used: 大学录取标准之一/As one of several factors to make admission decisions 大学排班/For course placement 获奖学金机会/Scholarship opportunities

21 什么是AP?/What is AP? AP®是大学先修课程及考试 ,使优秀学生在高中学习大学阶段的课程/Allows excelling students to study college level courses in high school: 提前培养大学成功知识和技能/Develop college success skills in advance 并获得大学学分,优先选课/Earn college credits and advanced placement 并提高大学升学竞争力/Enhance competitiveness in college application Taking AP courses also demonstrates to college admissions officers that students have sought out the most rigorous curriculum available to them. Each AP teacher’s syllabus is evaluated and approved by college faculty from some of the nation’s leading institutions, and AP exams are developed and scored by college faculty and experienced AP teachers. AP is accepted by more than 3,600 colleges and universities worldwide for college credit, advanced placement, or both on the basis of successful AP Exam grades. This includes over 90 percent of four-year institutions in the United States. In 2008, students representing over 17,000 schools around the world, both public and nonpublic, took AP Exams.

22 PSAT, SAT & AP 三者关系 The Relationship of PSAT, SAT & AP
大学先修课程 SAT 大学入学 PSAT 能力诊断和预测

23 什么是”学生寻找服务”? What is “Student Search Service”?
美国各大学寻找“匹配”学生系统/A system that helps American universities look for “compatible” students.

24 美国大学对学生学术准备的期望Academic Expectations by US Colleges
优秀的高中成绩/Excellent high school academic achievements 近似英文是母语的英文/Near-native level English 优异的交流和领导技能/High in communication and leadership skills 有志推进人文,科学,技术的远大目标与抱负/High personal goals and ambitions to contribute to the advancement of humanities, science and technology

25 持持以衡的优秀高中表现 Consistently Rigorous & Excelling HS Studies
你是否一直选修了最富有挑战的课程, 并表现优秀?/Have you taken the most challenging courses and performed well in HS? 你是否一直展示出综合, 运用知识,解决问题,不断创新趋势?/Have you demonstrated clear evidence and tendencies of integrating and applying your knowledge, problem-solving skills and innovation?

26 活跃和富有成果的课外活动 Active and Productive in Extracurricular Activities
模联,辩论,科学俱乐部,新闻,校报编辑,文学作品/Model UN, debating, science club, journalism, newspaper editing, literary works… 环保,慈善,募捐,到敬老院,红十字会,医院做义工/Environmental protection, charities, fund raising, volunteering in nursing homes, Red Cross, hospitals… 体育锻炼/Sports

27 一个优秀华裔学生案例

28 总结/Conclusions 出国留学在将来十年内将继续增长/The trend to study overseas will continue to grow. 今后每年留学美国竞争将更加剧烈/Applying to American universities and colleges will become more competitive every year. 美国招生官员将更会挑选最优秀的中国学生/American college admissions officers will know better how to select best Chinese students. 只有最学业,能力坚实的学生才会有应有留学“回报”/Only the most academically prepared and capable students will have the most rewarding “going abroad” experience.

29 最后,衷心祝每一位有志者留学,特别是留美,用你们最大勤劳和智慧,换取最大的成功! In closing, my most sincere and best wishes to each and everyone of you, dedicated to going to study overseas, especially those ambitious to go to America, to strike your largest achievements via your maximal diligence and wisdom.

30 没有汗水,就没有收获! No Sweat, No Gain! 胜利者获得最好的一切! The Winner Gets It All!

31 谢谢大家! Thank You Very Much, Everyone!

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