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Chapter 15 In Henslin’s Sociology: A Down To Earth Approach

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1 Chapter 15 In Henslin’s Sociology: A Down To Earth Approach
Politics Chapter 15 In Henslin’s Sociology: A Down To Earth Approach

2 Macro-Politics The exercise of large scale power- governments being the most common example.

3 Micro-Politics The exercise of power in everyday life, such as deciding who will do the housework and control the remote for the TV.

4 Weber’s three forms of Authority
Traditional authority Rational-legal authority Charismatic authority

5 Stability There must be structures within a society to transfer authority smoothly from one leader to the next to insure stability.

6 Forms of Governments: Monarchies Democracies Dictatorships Oligarchies
The seizure of power by a small group is called totalitarianism

7 Authority vs. Coercion If a government has ‘authority’ which is approved by the people, it has what is considered legitimate power. The government or ‘state’ claims a monopoly on legitimate power or violence. With the collapse of authority due to oppression, resistance occurs and sometimes revolution for change.

8 The US System: In the US there is a party system.
Two parties have traditionally vied for authority in the US with the Republican Party philosophically leaning more toward the interests of the wealthy and the Democrats leaning more toward the working man. Third party interests balance power and challenge the larger party policies. It takes a great deal of money and prestige to become and elected official in the US.

9 European Democracies:
Democratic governments operate on a very difference basis in Europe. Officials are elected based on ‘proportional representation’, meaning if 40% of the country votes Republican and 55% Democrat and 5% Communist, then representation in their congress would be in those proportions with the parties selecting the specific members to serve.

10 Special Interest Groups and Lobbyists
Special Interest groups are associations of people with common goals and motivations. Lobbyists are hired by Special Interest groups to actively petition government representatives and influence their legislative voting.

11 Political Reform: Laws have been passed in an attempt to limit the impact of wealthy individuals on political elects. Contributions are limited to $1000 from any one individual or corporation. PACs (political action committees) have evolved to try to get around this new legislation. These groups make organized efforts to contact specific special interest groups to promote their giving $1000 each (ex. All doctors concerned with mal practice insurance legislation).

12 There are many societies who do not have a tradition of aggression.
War and Terrorism War is NOT universal. There are many societies who do not have a tradition of aggression.

13 Why war? Cultural traditions.
Antagonistic situations in which 2 or more nations confront incompatible objectives. A fuel that ignites the conflict.

14 What are the fuels? Revenge Power Prestige Unity Position Ethnicity

15 Dehumanization… Dehumanization is the process of making another group of people appear to be less than human, thereby making it easier to justify the cruelty and violent acts of war.

16 What will the future hold for our world?
Global Capitalization (A New World Order) Vs. Fierce Nationalism What do you think?

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