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Physical Examination of Cattle

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1 Physical Examination of Cattle
Douglas E. Hostetler DVM, MS

2 Indications: When an individual animal requires examination to allow diagnosis and treatment for an illness Examination of a representative sample of animals to investigate a herd outbreak of disease Evaluation prior to completing health certificates for intrastate or interstate transport

3 Procedure: Develop a systematic procedure for performing a complete physical examination Personalized Prevents omission of important information Enables easier recall of abnormal findings

4 Dr. Hostetler’s Physical Examination
Observe 1st from a distance Demeanor Level of alertness Responsiveness Segregation from herdmates Not possible in a referral situation

5 Visual Observation: Proprioception Strength Lameness
Head and neck position Udder symmetry BCS

6 Examination: Restraint Chute Halter Headgate Ganglock

7 Examination: Collect data most affected by sympathetic tone first
Urine Sample for Multistick analysis Rumination Rate Heart Rate Respiratory Rate

8 Urine Collection: Gently rub the escutcheon in an upward motion
Perineal region from udder to Ventral commissure of the vulva Do not hold the tail! Collect sample in a clean container Insert thermometer following urine collection Some Normal Values pH 8 Glucose Neg Ketone Neg Protein Neg-trace

9 Start on the Left From the rear forward

10 Rumination Rate Listen, count and record the primary and secondary rumen contractions over two full minutes Mid Left Paralumbar Fossa Normal 1-2 per Minute

11 Direct Heart Rate, Rhythm and Sounds
Left side Intercostal Spaces 3-5 Behind the elbow Normal Rate? 48-84 Adults Calves

12 Respiratory Rate and Lung Sounds
Rate can be evaluated by observation of chest excursions Normal 26-50 Sounds (triangle) Point of elbow T13 at Transverse Processes Caudal to triceps Acoustic Percussion Dullness Dorsal to the Heart Shadow? SQ Emphysema Dorsally? Reach up and feel for it

13 Peripheral Lymph Nodes
Prescapular Prefemoral Supramammary Parotid Submandibular

14 Superficial Veins Jugular Caudal Superficial Epigastric Pulses?
Distension Caudal Superficial Epigastric Distension? Swelling?

15 Abdominal Auscultation and Percussion
Simultaneous Auscultation and Percussion “Pinging” Entire Abdomen

16 Abdominal Auscultation and Percussion
Simultaneous Auscultation and Percussion “Pinging” Entire Abdomen

17 Left limbs and Udder Swelling of the limbs?
Fore and Rear Palpate left quarters of the mammary gland Heat Hardness (swelling) Edema Teat lesions

18 Proceed to Right Side

19 Heart Sounds Right AV Valve Area 3rd to 5th Intercostal Space Murmurs?

20 Respiratory System Mirror Image of Left Thorax Crackles Wheezes
No sounds Emphysema

21 Peripheral Lymph Nodes
Prescapular Prefemoral Supramammary Parotid Submandibular

22 Superficial Veins Jugular Caudal Superficial Epigastric Pulses?
Distension Caudal Superficial Epigastric Distension? Swelling?

23 Abdominal Auscultation and Percussion
Simultaneous Auscultation and Percussion “Pinging” Entire Abdomen

24 Abdominal Auscultation and Percussion
Simultaneous Auscultation and Percussion “Pinging” Entire Abdomen

25 Right Limbs and Udder Swelling of the limbs?
Fore and Rear Palpate left quarters of the mammary gland Heat Hardness (swelling) Edema Teat lesions

26 Collection of Milk California Mastitis Test
Relative concentration of somatic sells in the milk 2 ml Milk from each quarter Add Reagent Look for coagulation Negative Trace 1 2 3

27 Rectal Examination Reproductive Tract Female Male Vaginal wall Cervix
Uterine Body Uterine Horns Oviducts Ovaries Bursae Internal iliac lymph nodes Sublumbar lymph nodes Male Intrapelvic penis Prostate Seminal vessicles Ampullae Internal inguinal rings Internal iliac lymph nodes Sublumbar lymph nodes

28 Rectal Examination Intra-abdominal Urinary System Left kidney Ureters

29 Rectal Examination Digestive System Right Cranial Central Left
Abomasum Central Small intestines Left Rumen Dorsal sac

30 Vaginal Examination If indicated by the rectal examination or history

31 Examination of the Head
Eyes Enophthalmus Exophthalmus Discharge Corneal Opacity Lenticular Opacity Scleral Injection Pupillary Light Response Masses

32 Examination of the Head
Nares Discharge Unilateral/Bilateral Plaques Erosions Hemorrhage/ Epistaxis Flaring

33 Examination of the Head
Oral Cavity Dentition Erosions Vesicles Masses Blunted Oral Papillae

34 Examination of the Head
Cursory Cranial Nerve Examination 1-8 Submandibular Region Lymph Nodes Edema Brisket Swelling

35 Questions?


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