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English 1—December 8, 2014 Bell ringer: Should all ninth graders have to study Romeo and Juliet? Why or why not? Homework: Study Island homework due Friday.

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Presentation on theme: "English 1—December 8, 2014 Bell ringer: Should all ninth graders have to study Romeo and Juliet? Why or why not? Homework: Study Island homework due Friday."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 1—December 8, 2014 Bell ringer: Should all ninth graders have to study Romeo and Juliet? Why or why not? Homework: Study Island homework due Friday at midnight.

2 Final Exam You will compose an argument for or against the inclusion of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet in the ninth grade curriculum. You will complete the essay in class on the 17th or 18th with MyAccess!

3 Studying Shakespeare Pros Cons

4 Is Shakespeare Still Relevant?
Define each term before reading the article “On the Bard’s birthday, is Shakespeare still relevant?” Title:_________________________________________ Speaker: What does the reader know about the writer? Occasion: What are the circumstances surrounding this text? Audience: Who is the target audience? Purpose: Why did the author write this text? Subject: What is the topic? Tone: What is the author’s tone, or attitude, toward the subject?

5 Writing Prompt Example
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet should not be included in the 9th grade curriculum because the language is too difficult for students to understand. According to Petri, when students read Shakespeare and have it translated, it “drains all the poetry out in hopes of making him moderately comprehensible.” The beauty of the language is lost in translation, and students are bored or frustrated because they don’t understand what is being said. Shakespeare is best left for people who are older and want to read him instead of being forced on kids in ninth grade.

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