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Grades 4 & 5 Opinion Writing Supplemental Materials aligned to the

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1 Grades 4 & 5 Opinion Writing Supplemental Materials aligned to the

2 These materials can be found online on AEMP’s website
Day 1 Materials These materials can be found online on AEMP’s website



5 Day 2 Materials These materials can be used to support classroom implementation of this MELD CCSS Opinion Unit

6 An opinion is the way you think or feel about something.
What is an Opinion? An opinion is the way you think or feel about something. I think jump rope is fun! I like to play basketball! My favorite game is dodgeball!

7 I think jump rope is fun because my friends can jump with me!
What is a Claim? When you make a claim, you state an opinion, and support it with reasons or evidence. I like to play basketball because I can use cool dribbling moves to move around other players! I like dodgeball because I can jump really high, so I avoid getting out! I think jump rope is fun because my friends can jump with me!

8 Instructions that can be used to to teach students this Discussion Protocol

9 Would you try eating an insect that was prepared to be eaten?
Food for Thought: Would you try eating an insect that was prepared to be eaten?

10 You can agree or disagree
with someone else’s opinion. Because an opinion is what YOU think, it can’t really be wrong…especially if… Jumping rope is my favorite thing to do at recess because I like jumping with my friends. Basketball is my favorite game to play at recess because I want to play basketball in college. Dodgeball is my favorite game to play at recess because it is exciting!

11 “Would you be more willing to try eating a pizza that was cooked with insects you could see, or a muffin that was cooked with insects that you couldn’t see?”

12 “Would you be more willing to try eating a pizza that was cooked with insects you could see, or a muffin that was cooked with insects that you couldn’t see?”

13 Claim (Your Opinion) State your claim: I think ______. I believe ________. In my opinion, ________. Reasons: Tell your reader why you believe your claim is true. One reason I think ______ is because ______. Another reason I think _____ is because ______. The final reason I think _____ is because ______. Restate your opinion: This is why I think ______. Claim (Your Opinion) Reasons: Restate Your Opinion:

14 Collected from Pinterest
Samples of Sentence Starters students can use to support their talking and their writing Samples of Classroom Resources that can be created to support Opinion Writing Collected from Pinterest

15 Collected from Pinterest
Samples of Classroom Resources that can be created to support Opinion Writing Collected from Pinterest Samples of Sentence Starters students can use to support their talking and their writing

16 Day 3 Materials These materials can be used to support classroom implementation of this MELD CCSS Opinion Unit

17 Claim (Your Opinion) State your claim: I think ______. I believe ________. In my opinion, ________. Reasons: Tell your reader why you believe your claim is true. One reason I think ______ is because ______. Another reason I think _____ is because ______. The final reason I think _____ is because ______. Restate your opinion: This is why I think ______. Claim (Your Opinion) Reasons: Restate Your Opinion:

18 Samples of Classroom Resources that can be created to support Opinion Writing

19 Support Your Opinion Claim: State your Opinion
Support your Opinion with Reasons Reason 1: Example to support this reason Example of information that can be used to support this reason: Restate your Opinion

20 Claim: State your Opinion
Support your Opinion with Reasons Reason 1: Example: Reason 2: Reason 3: Restate your Opinion Claim: State your Opinion Support your Opinion with Reasons Reason 1: Example: Reason 2: Reason 3: Restate your Opinion

21 Day 4 Materials These materials can be used to support classroom implementation of this MELD CCSS Opinion Unit

22 Notes for Teachers

23 Collected from Pinterest
Samples of Classroom Resources that can be created to support Opinion Writing Collected from Pinterest


25 This is a sample of what the small groups
Chocolate milk should be served in schools because it is both healthy and tasty! Chocolate milk is healthy. Chocolate milk provides vitamins and nutrients, for example: protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and calcium. It also provides 1 of 3 servings of dairy needed per day. It has the same essential nutrients as white milk. Some children will drink more milk because of the great taste. Children who drink flavored milk will meet more of their nutritional needs, do not consume more added sugar, calories, and fat, and are not heavier than non-milk drinkers. When flavored milk is removed from school districts, milk consumption drops 35%. Chocolate milk should be served in schools because it is delicious and nutritious! This is a sample of what the small groups should produce when asked to use the student’s notes to create a box and bullets graphic organizer.

26 Day 5 Materials These materials can be used to support classroom implementation of this MELD CCSS Opinion Unit





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