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“Advocating to end child slavery in Haiti.”

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1 “Advocating to end child slavery in Haiti.”
On Behalf & In Support Of The Jean R. Cadet Restavek Organization Compiled and produced by Angela Projectpiece, UK. 01/05/2011. Jean-R Cadet Restavek organization is based in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA where Jean-Robert Cadet resides with his family.

2 Mission Statement The Jean-R. Cadet ‘Restavek No More’, Inc is a non-profit organisation dedicated to ending child slavery in Haiti. “ Ending Poverty will not change the heart & mind but changing the heart & mind could possibly be the beginning of a progressive society” (J.R.Cadet, 2010) This quote from Jean-Robert is the basis of argument for his next book, “My Stone of Hope”, which reflects on the root causes of child slavery and argues that its own people are holding back the country’s own inability to progress as a Nation. Jean says “It perpetuates an illiterate & desensitised society, where life has little value and poverty is used to excuse intolerable abuse towards its children.” “It is important to recognise that liberty & equality do not require money but a change of heart and attitude.” Jean-R Cadet.

3 The United Nations call it a form of “Modern Day Slavery”
Introduction In the beautiful Caribbean country of Haiti, just a two hour flight from Miami, Florida, its people hide their dirtiest secret. “Child Restaveks” The United Nations call it a form of “Modern Day Slavery” Definitions : “Slave” - A person held against his or her will & controlled physically or psychologically by violence or its threat for the purpose of appropriating their labour. Human Trafficking - The modern-day slave trade - the process of enslaving a person. If moving a person from one country to another does not result in slavery, it is not human trafficking. 2,000 children are trafficked each year to the Dominican Republic. The Jean-R. Cadet Restavek organization considers restavek to be child slavery and the moving of children into restavek as human trafficking.

4 “Restaveks” Restavek: is the Creole term for “stay with.” This is part of Haiti’s social system; when parents give their children to families of better means, hoping they will be housed, fed, clothed & schooled. But many times, the result is domestic slavery. Other contributing factors are: 1. Attitudes about children - Proverbs like “children are animals” describes treatment of children and “children are the wealth of a poor man” describes reproductive practices. 2. Poverty & Desperation - Forced to trade the child’s right to live with their family, for the hope of an education and better life. 3. Lack of family planning - Couples with high no’s of children, women with several fathers for their children, men who father children with many mothers are all risk factors. 4. Irresponsibility of Fathers - Countless fathers do not play a role in their children’s lives or provide for them. This leaves them vulnerable to restavek. 5. Social Conditioning - wide acceptamnce of restavek. Most lower and middle class Haitians grow up exposed to restavek practice and perceive this as normal. Cadet says “this fuels what Haitians call ‘sitirons’, meaning acceptance or over-tolerance of the practice. 6. Attitudes about gender - Girls need less education than boys, they believe, although opinion is changing slowly. More girls than boys in restavek. 7. Weak education system with 1 out of 3.5 an’t read and its rote methods and harsh corporal punishment does not build self esteem or self awareness. 8. Colonialslavery, social class & domination - the abused became the abusers.

5 Identifying A ‘Restavek’
Restaveks can be found. They are easily identified by their third hand clothes, their vacant expressions, their scars and their exclusion from school. If they are not cooking and cleaning, they are on their way to fetch water or caring for the other children of the household. They are valued only for their services. Jean-Robert says that child restaveks are the water distribution system for the country and they can be seen at the local well in Port-au-prince, its capital every morning at about 4 or 5 am. They make the arduous journey several times in a day. Other duties include: mopping floors on hands and knees. Cleaning the house or hut and emptying chamber pots and washing all the dishes. Sometimes ‘restaveks’ are lent out to other families where they are expected to serve for them also, whilst being subjected to abuse in many cases.

6 Photographs of Children In Servitude
This is Laudy. She was a restavek here but has been re-united thanks to Jean-Robert with family and is being supported. She is happy now.

7 One child goes to school, one does not.
The lower cost, government run schools make up 10% of the schools in the country. Even government schools request pupils wear their uniforms and buy expensive books. They do not have enough space for students. Jean-Robert is pressing governments to support an inclusive education system where all children are required to attend school. Jean says if all of Haiti’s children were allowed to go to school, these children would not be termed as domestic slaves.

8 A young Restavek boy walks another to school.
This boy is only valued for the work he provides his owners. He is not allowed to enjoy his own childhood.

9 Restavek child carrying another to school.
Jean-Robert says that some things are just the same as when he was a restavek child in that the children of the family are still carried on the backs of other children to school. To avoid the mud and to keep their shoes clean.

10 Young Restavek child at work.
Children as young as four years old have entered a life of servitude.

11 Restavek carrying water for his owners
Another example of a part of the country’s water distribution system.

12 The Whip Seller. He and others like him can be found on street corners selling two varieties of whips to discipline mainly restaveks and teachers purchase them to punish school children. The ones with the wooden matinettes are used on elementary school children. The others are “rigwas”- pronounced ‘rigoise’ for older children. The rigwas was often used on slaves during colonial times. Jean says that the rigwas are as rough as cement and when it strikes your skin it tears it. He said that he still, in his mid fifties bares the scars from the rigwas.

13 If you were a Restavek child you would most likely be:
Between the ages of 5 and 15 years old. Unable to attend school. Subjected to physical, emotional or sexual abuse. Responsible for collecting all the water needed for the house every day from the local well. Three times more likely to be a girl than a boy. Up at dawn every day to do gruelling housework. Unable to see your family or remember where they live.

14 And you would most likely be:
Living with a family just as their servant and not allowed to play with the other children of the house. One of 300,000 Haitian children enslaved in child labour. Unsure how old you are and not know when your birthday is or have it acknowledged ever. Hungry as you would not get enough to eat for all the work you do. Never have all your rights as a child respected. The Restavek system has continued since Haitian Independence in 1804, despite Haiti’s own constitution, its ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and its 1984 child labour law.

15 For Dina and all children in Restavek
Dina was rescued from her owner and her predator husband by the producer of the documentary who adopted her. She now lives in New Jersey and after a difficult period of adjustment in now living happily with her family.

16 The Early Years of Jean-Robert Cadet ?
A former Haitian Slave child during the latter 1950’s and ‘60’s. His white French father abandoned Jean’s native black Mother before he was born and she died when he was four years old. He was then sent at 4 years old into Restavek, to work as a servant for a family of strangers. Jean-Robert Cadet does not know when he was born or how old he is. He never had a birthday. Only quite recently did Jean-Robert find a living relative of his in Haiti. His mother’s sister, his aunt. She said he was loved very much by his mother . She could not confirm for him though when he was born or how old he was but said that he must have been born between May and August because he was born during the mango season. His aunt was 82 yrs old when he met her.

17 … Jean-Robert as a child:
Jean-Robert Cadet was the name given to him by his owners and not the name his Mother chose for him. He was forbidden to play with the other children of the household. He was severely mistreated by his owners. Nobody ‘ever’ gave Jean-Robert a hug as a child. Jean-Robert Cadet said he just wishes that somebody had come by and touched him, patted him on the head and said “its okay, you’re a good boy Jean”. Jean-Robert was in college when he received his first hug that he can remember.

18 The Beginning Of Change.
After Jean’s owners abandoned him in Haiti, for a new life in the U.S., they later sent for Jean-Robert to be their servant in New York. The authorities told his owners that Jean-Robert, by law, had to attend school. His owners abandoned him again. A helping hand came from a teacher who introduced Jean to the welfare system & offered him extra educational support. Jean-Robert did not have a passport to travel because he had no birth certificate so one was made up for him to be able to travel to the USA. He arrived in New York on the 15 February 1969.

19 Making Progress Fast: Jean-Robert graduated from High School with a diploma. He was successful as a member of the elite U.S. Army “Rangers” division. Graduated in1980 from Tampa University, Florida with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Studies. In 1994, Jean also earned a Master of Arts degree in French Literature. Married, became a step-father to Katrina and then father to his own son, Adam Cadet. Became a successful teacher.

20 Today Jean-Robert Cadet ...
Is a successful author of two books, so far…! Hopeful for change with new film of “Restavec” Founded the Restavek Foundation, 2007 in Haiti; to help children trapped in servitude. Is a one-time member of the UN Working group on contemporary forms of slavery, Freedom Hero & Dr. of Humane Letters. Has testified before the United Nations and the U.S. Congress on his experiences of child slavery. Been a guest on Oprah, 60 Minutes, BBC Radio4 & featured in magazines & newspapers globally. Awarded a doctorate from the Northern Kentucky University for Humane Letters. Given Freedom Hero Award by coca-cola. In 2009, was awarded the Bill Clinton Global award for initiative and commitment. 20

21 A True Story Jean-Robert’s first book, his autobiography, published in 1998 by the University Texas Press. Michael Corrente, film director has recently announced to Jean that a script writer has been secured to begin composing the dialogue for the proposed film. It will be less than two years before “Restavec” is released. “Restavec” was inspired by Jean-Robert Cadet’s son Adam.

22 This is Jean-Robert Cadet’s new book, due for release in the UK on October 15th. Jean says “My Stone of Hope” is his work of twelve years research. It provides the historical background of Haiti and discusses his vision of a more progressive and healthier nation. My Stone of Hope is the work of Jean-Robert today as slave abolitionist and advocate of ending the enslavement of children.

23 The Jean R. Cadet Restavek Organization
As a passionate and dedicated abolitionist of child slavery in Haiti, Jean-Robert has pledged his life’s work to fight for the human rights of all Haiti’s children. He lobbies Washington and international communities to push Haiti’s government; to issue a birth certificate to every child & make education compulsory for all children. Working hard to change the hearts and minds of the Haitian people through the transformative power of music. Every year Jean and his organisation are launching a national singing contest with the Haitian government, inviting musical groups to write lyrics condemning child slavery and violence against children. This is to encourage the average Haitian citizen to become an advocate for children. They are also working on a national curriculum for primary and secondary schools in Haiti to influence the new generation and change the mentality that’s perpetuating child slavery.

24 Continuing the Work of the J R Cadet Restavek Org ...
Jean-Robert speaks at schools, colleges and universities; to raise‘global awareness’ and appeal for universal education on domestic slavery. He visits Haiti every six weeks and works with grass roots organisations to help as many Restavek children as possible. Jean talks to owners and helps them to see these children not unlike their own and advocates for ‘family solidarity’ in place of ‘family restavek.’ He sensitises ‘next’ generations to Restavek cruelty. Education is empowering for everybody. Jean-Robert hopes that children all around our world will stand strong against the issues and long-term impact of child slavery. Raising global awareness through a universal education programme ensures that the rights of these children are heard the world over. The organisation firstly finds children in restavek situations and tries to build a relationship with the host family. The organization ask to sponsor their restaveks. They pay for the child to go to school, wear the uniform and have their own books. They also hire case-workers to monitor the progress of the children in their programme and to help locate birth families. They also try and secure budgets to play the National singing contest winning song on several radio stations in Haiti every day. Making financial incentives to elementary schools to teach these songs to their pupils and educate them about human rights.

25 Helping child Restaveks wherever they are.
Jean-Robert Cadet says his organization try and locate andhelp as many restavek children as possible but he cannot help them all, there are too many. He hopes that the ones he finds he can help and improve their chances of a better life presently and in the future.

26 Encouraging Recreation Time
These recreational tents are intended for all children to enjoy some play time. Jean-Robert tries to encourage host families to allow their restaveks some time to play and experience a little bit of childhood.

27 Giving back the desperate need for the cuddles he was denied as a child.
He realises the benefits of empathy and he shows this understanding by listening and sharing their stories with people all over the world.

28 Encouraging children to ask questions about Restavek
Jean is changing how other children view restaveks by inviting them to consider the facts about child servitude, to reveal the injustice and dispel its myths. (hierarchy adopted by its own people after independence from colonial rule).

29 Changing the hearts & minds.
Children listen as Jean-Robert talks to Haitian children and sensitises ‘them’ to the effects of domestic slavery. The deprivation to the human condition caused by a life of isolation leaves many children incapable as adults to fend for themselves, create or sustain a future. It is not the fault of any of these children that they have while others do not but because they are the next generation of adults and more susceptible to change Jean-Robert invests a lot of valuable time with them.

30 Gaining older student support
It is important to gain the support and understanding from older students before they leave school to join in the acceptable culture of child slavery.

31 Simply moved by the impact of child servitude.
Sometimes it can be painful to realise the harmful effects of child restaveks in your own country and maybe even in their own homes. These tears are healthy and they may bring small changes to the future lives of Haitian children.

32 Jean-Robert speaking on a radio show in Haiti.
Jean-Robert regularly talks on radio shows in Haiti, finding his way into as many homes as possible and changing the hearts and minds of its inhabitants.

33 What can you do to support the work of Jean R Cadet?
READ - Jean-Robert’s book “Restavec” to gain a deeper understanding of the life of a child slave and “My Stone of Hope”, from Oct ‘11 to consider his arguments toward a brighter future in Haiti. FOLLOW - The website, pass it on and help Raise Awareness in your community. HOST- A Fundraiser. SPONSOR - A Child or MAKE a donation. INVITE - Jean-Robert to speak at your school, college, university or workplace. Watch the film when its released. Learn as much as you can about child slavery. Organise a sponsored event, quiz night, talent show, balloon launch your own singing competition. Car boot sale, nearly new sale. Or contact us for loads more fab ideas. Follow the latest events on Jean-Robert’s forthcoming visit to Swansea in October on Projectpiece. Read all you can and research Martin Luther king and find out when yr city hosts its “Black History Month”. Write Jean-Robert a letter with any of your views, ideas and suggestions. Create poems, drawings, sculpture and drama pieces to exhibit & show. Take this opportunity to help some of the worlds most vulnerable children, because you can!

34 Jean-Robert Cadet, BA, MA.
Thank you for listening. This PowerPoint presentation was compiled by Angela “Projectpiece UK”, with all information authorised by Jean-Robert Cadet. BA, MA. For a show of hands - Who may be interested to meet Jean-Robert Cadet and who would definitely be interested in him coming to talk to you here? Then maybe he will come …… if he can …...

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