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Highlights of My Senior Year by Joanna Sykes 淄博十一中 白学芳.

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Presentation on theme: "Highlights of My Senior Year by Joanna Sykes 淄博十一中 白学芳."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highlights of My Senior Year by Joanna Sykes 淄博十一中 白学芳

2 Reading Festival Military training highlights (最精彩的部分) New Year party


4 Highlights of My Senior Year by Joanna Sykes

5 Learning aims: To learn the highlights of foreign senior high and learn the differences between two cultures 2. To learn how to guess words from the context. 3. To develop good reading habits by pre-reading, fast-reading and careful reading 4. To learn to write a short paragraph about a highlight of your school life

6 Highlights of My Senior Year
Pre-reading(读前活动) Look at the title and guess the style of the article: Highlights of My Senior Year A. narrative(记叙的) B. argumentative (议论的) C. explanatory(说明的) D. imaginary(想象的)

7 Fast reading

8 What is the structure of the passage?

9 highlights the reason why she wrote the article Part 1 Highlights of
Para. 1 Part 1 Para. 2 Highlights of my senior year highlights Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 Part 2 Para. 6 Para. 7 Para. 8

10 arts editor peer mediator 3 5 4 6 7 prom 8

11 Careful reading

12 Part one the reason for writing the article

13 Paragraph 1&2. Why did “I” write the article? (Find a sentence to answer this question. ) I decided to write them down so that one day, years from now, when I reread them, the memories will come back. 我决定把它们写下来,以便于多年之后的一天,当我重读的时候,那些记忆能够重新回到脑海。

14 Part two the highlights

15 同龄调解员 Para 3 & 4 context(上下文) I love writing.
Try to guess the meanings of the two phrases. working as an arts editor (Para 3) A drawing pictures B writing about films, plays and art. a peer mediator (Para 4) A a person who helps students with their homework. B a person who helps students deal with arguments or friendship problems context(上下文) I love writing. my first step towards becoming a journalist 同龄调解员 Someone who helps students to settle problems that they have with other students

16 study F T Para 5 & 6 activities Which one is true? Which one is false?
1.We were frightened when we raced each other down the ski slopes. ( ) 2. I got good grades on my study and was elected to the student council. ( ) We had great fun racing F study activities T

17 How did Joanna prepare for her prom?
Para 7 & 8 How did Joanna prepare for her prom? Daniel invited her to the prom and she was so________. She found a dress that _____ her perfectly and _____ her hair _____. Everyone told her she looked very________! A group of them ______ a nice car to take them to the prom. They danced and had delicious food. The big surprise was when she was elected the _____ ______. pleased suited had done elegant rented prom queen

18 Every girl likes to be Cinderella for a day.

19 Summary

20 Discussion 1.Are there any things in the article that impress you? What are they and why? 2.Do you want to have a friend like Joanna? What kind of person is she?

21 Writing Think about a highlight of your senior
high life and write it down. Your writing should include : What is the highlight? What did you do? What was your feeling? (within 70 words)

22 积累写作: One of the best things is… I’ll never forget…
The highlight of the year is… We had fun doing …. This has been a real success for me. It is a pity that it is probably the last time this will happen.

23 Homework Think about one more highlight and write it down.




27 候补材料

28 Para 7 & 8 How did Joanna prepare for her prom?

29 prom formal long dress dinner jacket with the hair done
Did Joanna have a similar prom? prom





34 Argument friendship problems






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