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Insulin Pump Management

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1 Insulin Pump Management
Presented by Susie Heaton, MS, RD, CDE

2 Pump Settings to Evaluate
Basal rates Insulin to Carbohydrate Ratio (I:C) Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF) Pump Download and History Infusion site issues Combo Bolus Case Studies

3 Basal Rates Basal rates that are set correctly should keep your BG relatively stable in the absence of food, exercise or extra insulin Basal rates should be evaluated when there is variability in BG readings, change of season, significant weight changes or change in physical status

4 Basal Testing Tips Divide day into 4 time frames and evaluate one time frame at a time. Evaluations begin 4-5 hours after the last bolus dose and food consumption. Starting bg should be around mg/dl Testing is stopped if bg goes above 150 or below 90. Repeat test 2-3 times before making adjustments.

5 Basal Rate Test: Overnight
What to do When to test Eat dinner (low fat, known carbohydrate content meal) Bolus for dinner Nothing to eat until breakfast 4 hours after dinner At bedtime At midnight At 2-3 am Every 3 hours when awake BG must be in target range four hours after dinner to start this test.

6 Basal Rate Test: Daytime
What to do When to test Morning Skip breakfast No food until lunch Test every 1-2 hours until lunch Afternoon Skip lunch No food until dinner Start to test 4 hours after breakfast Test every 1-2 hours until dinner Evening Skip dinner No food until bedtime Start to test 4 hours after lunch Test every 1-2 hours until bedtime BG must be in target range four hours after meal to start test. Each daytime segment should be tested on a different day.

7 Looking at the Data BG swings of more than 30 mg/dl indicates the need for basal adjustments It is best to see repeating trends before making changes Basal rate should be increased or decreased 1-2 hours before the BG begins to rise or fall. Make one change at a time

8 Suggested Guidelines for Basal Adjustments
Basal of 2.0 units per hour or more Make adjustments in unit increments Basal of units per hour Make adjustments in unit increments Basal of units per hour Make adjustments in unit increments Basal less than 0.3 units per hour Make adjustments in unit increments

9 What should we do? Time 10 pm 12 am 3 am 6 am BG test #1 149 130 86 61
131 119 77 59 BG test #3 122 110 73 55 Basal 0.550

10 Suggested Changes Decrease basal at 12 am to 0.450

11 Calculating I:C Ratio I:C indicates how many grams of carbohydrate 1 unit of rapid-acting insulin will cover Determine starting point for I:C ratio 500 ÷ TDD (Total Daily Dose) = I:C Example: 500 ÷ 50 U = 10 (I:C= 1:10) May have more than one I:C for different meals or times of day

12 Insulin to Carbohydrate (I:C) Ratio
After basal settings have been confirmed, you can evaluate bolus dosages If the BG consistently returns to target range about 4 hours after meals, you can be confident that the I:C ratio is working well If the BG does not return to target range 4 hours after meals, you should evaluate the I:C ratio

13 Checking I:C Ratio What to do When to test Start before meal
Assure BG in target range ( mg/dl) Assure known amount of carbohydrate and low fat meal Bolus for meal Test BG hourly for 5 hours Recommended Goals 1 hour after meal BG mg/dL higher than pre-meal 4 hours after meal BG within 30 mg/dL of pre-meal

14 Adjusting I:C Ratio 4-5 hours after CHO bolus: Result Adjustment
BG more than 30 mg/dL below pre-meal Re-check ratio another time using a higher I:C (higher I:C will reduce size of bolus) BG within 30 mg/dL of start Carbohydrate ratio is correct BG more than 30 mg/dL above start Re-check ratio another time using a lower I:C (lower I:C will increase the size of the bolus)

15 Suggested Guidelines for I:C Ratio Adjustments
If I:C is less than 1:5 Make changes in 1 gram increments If I:C is between 1:5- 1:20 Make changes in 2 gram increments If I:C is between 1:20- 1:50 Make changes in 5 gram increments If I:C is more than 1:50 Make changes in 10 gram increments

16 What should we do? BG Before Meal 1 hr pp 2 hr pp 3 hr pp 4 hr pp
Day 1 99 220 181 176 153 151 Day 2 121 277 205 188 185 Day 3 1 07 256 230 194 183 Breakfast I:C 1:15

17 Suggested Changes Change I:C to 1:13
Or bolus for breakfast 20 to 30 minutes before breakfast

18 Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF)
Once you have confirmed basal settings and bolus dosages for carbohydrate, you can evaluate ISF The goal is for the ISF to return from a BG above target to the target range within 4 hrs of a correction bolus

19 Calculating ISF ISF indicates how much (mg/dL) 1 unit of rapid-acting insulin will lower BG Determine starting point: or 1800 ÷ TDD (Total Daily Dose) = ISF Example: ÷ 40 U = 45 ISF May have more than one ISF for different times of day

20 Evaluating ISF What to do When to test
Give a correction dose of insulin for high BG Test BG hourly for 4 hours Recommended Goals 4 hours after bolus BG in target 3.5 hours after bolus BG should decrease within 30 mg/dL of target at 3.5 hours for rapid-acting insulin

21 Suggested Guidelines for ISF Ratio Adjustments
If ISF is less than 20 Make adjustments in 5 mg/dl increments If ISF is between Make adjustments in 10 mg/dl increments If ISF is greater than 100 Make adjustments in 20 mg/dl increments

22 What should we do? ISF 1:50 High before correction
1 hour post correction 2 hour post correction 3 hour post correction 4hour post correction Correction #1 350 322 230 199 201 Correction #2 375 335 301 275 242 Correction #3 250 180 165 150 155

23 Suggested Changes Change ISF to 1:40

24 Do You Download? Look for BG trends Number of BG readings Average BG
Site changes – cannula fill Bolus frequency Carbs Bolus vs. basal Frequent alarms (empty cartridge, suspend) Current Pump Settings

25 Look in the History of the Pump
Bolus Amounts Frequency Type Basal vs Bolus 50:50 How much insulin need for a prescription Alarms Prime Suspend

26 What else do we assess? Infusion site Bolus timing and type
Change frequency Rotation Adherence Pain or Discomfort Bent Cannula Frequency Look for signs of overuse Bolus timing and type Combo bolus

27 Combo Bolus Also known as a square or dual wave bolus
Used as a bolus to cover slower absorbed meals that contain higher protein and fat content Such as with meals that include buffets, restaurant dining, and pizza Need to decide duration and ratio when using

28 When to use a Combo Bolus?
Food Duration Ratio Fast Food, Movie Popcorn, And high fat desserts 1 hour 50:50 Mexican, Chinese, Italian, Steak dinner, Buffets 2 hour Pizza 3 hour *These are suggested starting points

29 Evaluating a Combo Bolus
Do Premeal BG – start trial if BG within normal range ( mg/dl) Determine carbs give and program combo bolus Monitor BG hourly to evaluate for up to 6 hours Did the BG return to within 30 mg/dl of the target range within 6 hours?

30 The 2 hour BG check The purpose of the 2 hour check is to determine if the first portion of the bolus was the correct amount to maintain normal BG 2 hours after the meal If the 2 hour BG is high try a 60:40 split next time continue to make adjustments until the right combination is reached. If the 2 hour BG is low try 40:60 split next time.

31 The 4 hour BG check The purpose of the 4 hour check is to determine if the 2nd portion of the bolus was the correct amount to maintain normal BG 4 hours after the meal If the 4 hour BG is high increase the amount of insulin given over the extended portion of the bolus

32 The 6 hour BG check The purpose of the 6 hour check is to see if the second portion of the bolus was the correct amount of insulin and the right length of time If the BG was normal at the 4 hour check but high a the 6 hour check the extended portion of the bolus may need to be increased.

33 Putting it into practice

34 12 year old male – A1c 10.5% HCP sends pt to the educator for carb counting review Has been on pump for 2 years Patient comes in with both parents Parents express concerns and frustrations accusing child of sneaking food and not bolusing Patient is quiet and pouty

35 What things should we assess?
Have orders from HCP that allows you to make dosage adjustments Review Daily routine – assess carb counting ability. Download pump or look in history Bolus, bg testing results, site change frequency Other

36 Results of Assessment Found carb counting ability to be adequate, but often guessing amounts After reviewing pump data we find that the patient has been bolusing for meals and snacks BG logs reveal that pt is testing frequently as most results are above target range Basal vs. Bolus reveals that patient is constantly trying to correct bg. Basal is only 30% 0f Total Daily Dose

37 Plan for 12 year old male Improve Carb Counting accuracy by measuring portions, reading food labels, and using the smart features on the pump to calculate bolus doses Praise patient for bolusing and testing frequency Let him know that he is growing and he just needs more insulin. Do a 10% increase on basal immediately Instruct family on basal testing and ask them to send in results in 1 week for needed basal adjustments or make 1 week f/u appointment.

38 32 yo Female – A1c 8.8% She works full time and has 3 young children
Both the HCP and patient are frustrated with the poor bg control She is fearful of lows - hx of severe hypoglycemic event 3 years ago Has been on pump for 6 years

39 What things should we assess?
Have orders from HCP that allows you to make dosage adjustments Review Daily routine Download pump or look in history Bolus – frequency and timing, bg testing frequency and results, site change frequency and rotation other

40 Results of Assessment Daily routine reveals that life is chaotic and lacks a consistent schedule and as a mom she puts herself last Dine out frequently Pump download reveals boluses and bg testing infrequent often only 1-2 per day Not using the pump bolus calculator features or combo bolus when dining out Changing site every 4-5 days when cartridge runs out Has only used abdomen for infusion site area

41 Plan for 32 yo female Set reminders on pump to bolus
Discuss and instruct pt on benefits of using the bolus calculating features on the insulin pump including the combo bolus (for dining out) Discuss the importance of site change frequency and rotation. Suggest she only fill her cartridge with a 3 day supply of insulin. Have pt use a alternate infusion site area and leave abdomen area alone for at least 3 months. Discuss benefits of a CGM

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