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Goal Setting and Time Management Using Values to Map Your Course

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Presentation on theme: "Goal Setting and Time Management Using Values to Map Your Course"— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal Setting and Time Management Using Values to Map Your Course
Chapter 3

2 What defines your values?
Page 71 What defines your values? Values are beliefs that guide your choices Examining values is a first step in goal-setting Sources of values Family, friends, authority figures Education, religious beliefs The media

3 What defines your values?
Page 71 What defines your values? Choosing and evaluating values Be wary of setting goals according to other people’s values Evaluate your values carefully to determine if they are right for you Reevaluate your values periodically as you experience change

4 How do you set and achieve goals?
Page 73 How do you set and achieve goals? Identify your personal mission Place goals in time Set long-term goals Set short-term goals Set different kinds of goals Career goals Personal goals Prioritize goals according to... Your values Your relationships with others Your time

5 How can you manage your time?
Page 80 How can you manage your time? Build a schedule Keep a planner Link daily and weekly goals with long-term goals Indicate priority levels Keep track of events

6 How can you manage your time?
Page 80 How can you manage your time? Take responsibility for how you spend your time Plan your schedule each week Make and use to-do lists Make thinking about time a priority Post monthly and yearly calendars at home Schedule down time Be flexible Day-to-day changes Life changes

7 Why is procrastination a problem?
Page 88 Why is procrastination a problem? Anti-procrastination strategies Look at the effects of procrastinating vs. not procrastinating Set reasonable goals Break the task into smaller parts Get started whether or not you “feel like it” Ask for help Shake off the judgments of others Don’t expect perfection Reward yourself

8 Why is procrastination a problem?
Page 88 Why is procrastination a problem? Other time traps to avoid Saying yes when you don’t have the time Studying at a bad time of day Studying in a distracting location Not thinking ahead Not curbing your social time Taking on too many tasks and projects

9 Carter, Bishop, and Kravits Copyright  2003 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Keys to Success in College, Career, and Life All rights reserved. How to Achieve Your Goals, Fourth Edition Presentation by Wing Lee and Benjamin Li

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