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Successful Time Management Time Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Successful Time Management Time Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful Time Management Time Management

2 There is an appointed time for everything
There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven--A time to give birth and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 Time Management

3 Time Management Where does time go?
During an 80 year life span, it is estimated that we spend: 7 years in the bathroom; 6 years eating; 5 years waiting in line; 4 years cleaning the house; 3 years in meetings; 2 years playing telephone tag 1 year searching for things; 8 months opening junk mail; and 6 months sitting at red lights Time Management

4 Time Management Where does time go?
During an average day, it is estimated that we will: Spend half of it sleeping, eating, grooming, and commuting; Be interrupted seventy-three times; Take an hour’s worth of work home; Spend less than five minutes reading; Talk with your spouse for four minutes; Exercise less than three minutes; and Play with your child for two minutes. Time Management

5 Time Management How do I manage time?
Proper time management is more than keeping a schedule….It is life management! Your time management skills should always be grounded in your:* Values; Mission Statement; Roles; and Goals *General outline incorporates many of Steven Covey’s ideas. Time Management

6 Time Management How do I manage time? Identify your governing values:
Values are the principles that govern your conduct; Values are the attributes and qualities you most want to be developed and exhibited on a daily basis Examples of governing values: Time Management Love Honesty Integrity Peace Kindness Joy Teamwork Patience Service Goodness Gentleness Faithfulness Professionalism Responsibility Self-control

7 Time Management How do I manage time? Explore your governing values:
Write a statement about how you will exhibit each of your governing values on a daily basis. A value statement might look similar to the following: I will exhibit love to my students by ensuring that I listen to each student; I will exhibit honesty to my employer by ensuring that I work the number of hours required of me. I will exhibit faithfulness to my family by ensuring that I spend quality time with them each evening. Time Management

8 Time Management How do I manage time?
Compose a mission statement for your life. A mission statement contains: A summary statement of your governing values (your philosophy on life, if you will); and An outline of the contributions you want to make during your lifetime. A mission statement might look similar to the following: I make a positive difference in the lives of the students I teach by providing a listening ear, a caring heart, and professional work while maintaining a strong love and devotion to my family. Time Management

9 Time Management How do I manage time? Identify your roles:
Your roles are your key relationships, areas of responsibility, and areas of contribution. Your roles are a natural outgrowth of your values. Exploring your different roles enables you to see that your life is made up of more than your job Examples of roles: Time Management Spouse Parent Child Friend Teacher Counselor Employee Volunteer Facilitator Role Model Care Giver Church Member

10 Time Management How do I manage time? Identify your Goals.
Your goals are your “dreams with deadlines” Your goals should be: Specific Measurable Action-Oriented Realistic Timely Your goals should be consistent with: Your governing values Your mission statement Your life roles Time Management

11 Time Management How do I manage time?
As your goals are the link between your governing values and your prioritized daily tasks, understanding your self will lead to good time management. (i.e. Good time management is as simple as good self management!) Establish where your time is going. Track the use of your time to see where it is going. Observe whether or not your time is prioritized according to your goals. Time Management

12 Time Management How do I manage time?
Calculate the amount of time you spend in the following activities during an average day: Sleeping; Eating; Personal grooming; Commuting; Work; Additional education; House cleaning; Family time; and Social and personal time Time Management

13 Time Management How do I manage time?
There are some important techniques you can use to help you manage your life. Use a daily planner Write down your governing values, mission statement, roles, and goals so that they are always with you. Set aside time to plan out your week. Schedule your fixed time. Work, classes, church, family time, and appointments. Do these tasks help you meet your goals? Schedule your flexible time Eat, sleep, chores, study time (plan two hours of study time per week for every hour per week you spend in class) Time Management

14 Time Management How do I manage time?
There are some important techniques you can use to help you manage your life. Use a daily planner Assign priorities to the tasks designated in your flexible time. Assign priorities within the four quadrants: important and urgent, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and not urgent and not important. Use system such as A, B, and C to label them priorities within quadrant Know your most productive times of the day and schedule your priority tasks at these times Do your priorities enable you to meet your goals? Time Management

15 Time Management How do I manage time? URGENT AND IMPORTANT NOT URGENT

16 Time Management How do I manage time? Quadrant I Urgent And Important
Tasks created when we find ourselves rushed to make a deadline or to accomplish a task. Estimated that we spend 90% of our time here. Some of these crises can be avoided if time is spent addressing the task while it is still in a non-urgent mode, or quadrant II. Examples: a crying baby, cramming for tomorrow's examination, finishing a report due today, dealing with patient emergencies. Time Management

17 Time Management How do I manage time? Quadrant II
Not Urgent But Important Acting on tasks in the second quadrant means focusing on goal-oriented activities. People tend to put quadrant II activities off until they become more urgent, instead performing activities that are less important and more urgent. Put the items in quadrant II as first priorities and then fill the rest of your schedule with activities from other quadrants. Examples: quality time with family, planning, improving skills to increase productivity, preventative maintenance, counseling, starting to study for the final examination on the first day of class. Time Management

18 Time Management How do I manage time? Quadrant III Quadrant IV
Urgent But Not Important Tasks created by time deadlines but have little value. Examples: a one day sale that ends “today,” interruptions while you are planning or studying, priorities of a leader that do not contribute to personal goals or the mission of the organization, some phone calls, some meetings, some projects, and some popular activities, etc. Quadrant IV Not Urgent And Not Important These are non-productive tasks that will not help you to reach your goals and, therefore, time is lost that could be used on activities from quadrants I or II priorities. These activities are essentially “time wasters.” Examples: worthless television shows, trivial pursuits, gossiping, sleeping in, playing video games, and chatting on the phone Time Management

19 Time Management How do I manage time? Steven Covey:
Keep in mind that you are always saying "no" to something. If it isn't to the apparent, urgent things in your life, it is probably to the most fundamental, highly important things. Even when the urgent is good, the good can keep you from your best, keep you from your unique contribution, if you let it. Time Management

20 What does it look like? Time Management

21 What does it look like? Time Management

22 What does it look like? Time Management

23 What are Some Resources?
The following web addresses offer different types of planners and systems: The Busy Woman at FranklinCovey at or their online planner at Day-Timer at At-A-Glance at Day Runner at Time Management

24 Time Management How do I manage “LIFE?”
Summing up your new “life management” skills: Consider your goals. How will your goals best be accomplished? Order your priorities according to your goals. Inscribe your scheduling decisions in your planner. Carry out the plan you have made. Enjoy being in control of your time! Time Management

25 Time Management References
Though the information in this presentation does not come from any one source, there are ideas proffered by others within this presentation (Stephen Covey being primary) as most time management systems teach many of the same ideas. I simply tried to give you some things to think about. Time Management

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