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HEALTHY WORKSITE INITIATIVE Attorney General’s Office Steven W. Reneaud.

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2 HEALTHY WORKSITE INITIATIVE Attorney General’s Office Steven W. Reneaud

3 Create a Culture of Wellness Over 1.5 years, we set out to understand our employees’ (population) wants and needs to better identify appropriate activities and policy and physical environment improvements. We sought to market our programs and educate employees (engage employees) through the use of health information, incentives, and success stories. As we proceeded, we collaborated (Community Linkage) with other agencies and experts and measured our progress to improve our approach.

4 Screening and Survey Results #1 Perceptions of All AGO Participants  91% of participants agree that AGO supports maintaining their health  90% agree that AGO should continue developing its wellness program

5 Screening and Survey Results #2 86% of Round Three Participants Returning from Round 1 took Action in Response to Screenings:  33% saw a primary care physician  54% changed their diet  54% increased physical activity

6 Screening and Survey Results #3 Positive Behavior Change from Round One to Round Three  Inactive group decreased from 51% of participants to 42%  56% of are now eating 5+ servings of fruits & veggies compared to Washington population average of 25%

7 Screening and Survey Results #4 The Percentage of People with Risks in Round One was Smaller for those Same People in Round Three: o BP risk decreased 64% to 58% o High total Cholesterol decreased from 36% to 21% o Overweight/obese decreased 65% to 60% o 3+ Risk Factors decreased 60% to 52%

8 AGO Change Package Efforts

9 Fortune The greatest mistake a person can make is to be afraid of making one.

10 Lessons Learned  Organizers Need Support Management: PDPs, Strategic planning Committee Structure Training  Environmental Change is Sustainable  Change is Hard for EVERYONE! Health is personal and perception is reality! Listen to employees and organizers -- educate or change tack if not on-board Think strategically about timing – long term? Slow rollout? Incremental?

11 Next Steps  Engage Employees Regarding Environment Changes and Resources  Continue Integrating Change Package into Committee Structure & Reporting  Share Screening Results with Leadership & Employees & Identify Suggestions/Wants  Pursue Inter-Agency Collaboration & Deliberate Regarding Washington Wellness Worksite Designation

12 Closing Remarks – Not a slide  Thanks to Governor Gregoire for appointing me Chair of new Wellness Committee in 2001.  Thanks to Attorney Gen. McKenna for supporting involvement in HWI.  Thanks to Wellness organizers who have been working hard to promote health and productivity in AGO (HWI Team, and CC Olson, Karen Engle, Rose Sampson, Sheri Meigs, many others).  Thanks to Wash. Wellness (HWI) – AGO employees have benefitted and I have learned much.

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