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UNIT 1 Living organisms Natural Science 2. Secondary Education DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT A CHEMICAL COMPOUND IS?

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 1 Living organisms Natural Science 2. Secondary Education DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT A CHEMICAL COMPOUND IS?"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 1 Living organisms Natural Science 2. Secondary Education DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT A CHEMICAL COMPOUND IS?

2 UNIT 1 Do you remember what a chemical compound is? Introduction Living things are made up of matter, Which means atoms and molecules. An atom is a unit of matter. Atoms are indivisible particles. A molecule is a group of at least two atoms of the same or different elements. In molecules, atoms are held together by forces called chemical bonds. Atom Bond Molecule Natural Science 2. Secondary Education

3 UNIT 1 Do you remember what a chemical compound is? An element is a type of pure substance that cannot be broken down into any simpler substance. One example is carbon. A compound can be broken down into simpler substances. One example of a compound is water. A carbon atom cannot be divided. A water molecule can be divided into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. c H O Natural Science 2. Secondary Education

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