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Nature of Matter. Atom smallest unit of matter that cannot be broken down by chemical means.

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Presentation on theme: "Nature of Matter. Atom smallest unit of matter that cannot be broken down by chemical means."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature of Matter

2 Atom smallest unit of matter that cannot be broken down by chemical means


4 Parts of an atom Proton – part of the nucleus, positive charge Neutron – part of the nucleus, no charge Electron – Part of a cloud surrounding the nucleus, negatively charge Nucleus is positive and the electron cloud is negative and opposite charges attract so the cloud and nucleus are strongly attracted to one another

5 Location of Proton, Neutron and electron

6 Element Pure substance made of only one kind of atom

7 Molecule a group of atoms held together by covalent bonds (share electrons)

8 Compound Group of atoms (may be 2 or more different elements) joined together

9 Covalent Bond bond that forms when two or more atoms share electrons to form a molecule

10 Water Molecule

11 Hydrogen Bond A weak chemical attraction between polar molecules. Opposites attract!! Water molecule to water molecule. Go to drawing

12 2 water molecules

13 Ionic Bond Ions of opposite charge may interact to form an ionic bond

14 Sodium Chloride Ionic Bond

15 The End of the Chiefs

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