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1 Guidance for mobility Guidance for mobility: Coping skills EUROGUIDANCE Workgroup mobility Jef Vanraepenbusch EUROGUIDANCE Flanders (Belgium)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Guidance for mobility Guidance for mobility: Coping skills EUROGUIDANCE Workgroup mobility Jef Vanraepenbusch EUROGUIDANCE Flanders (Belgium)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Guidance for mobility Guidance for mobility: Coping skills EUROGUIDANCE Workgroup mobility Jef Vanraepenbusch EUROGUIDANCE Flanders (Belgium)

2 Coping skills (1) - Reduction of stress, - auto protection, - they have an adaptive function. 2 visions on coping strategies: - Defence: psychoanalytical approach. - Coping: cognitive and behavioural approach. 2

3 Coping skills (2) Stress: A transaction between the person and his environment in which the situation is evaluated by the individual as using to many of his resources and being dangerous for his well being. 3

4 Coping skills (3) - The reaction depends on the individual: more or less rational, and change with experience. - Stress has an effect on your health and well being. - How to manage, reduce, tolerate, minimise, master… your stress? - It’ about external events… 4

5 Coping skills (4) We make a distinction between: Coping centred on the problem: manage the event (cognitive). Coping centred on the emotion: regulate the emotion associated with a stressful situation (behavioural). 5

6 Coping skills (5) Active coping: The person is facing his problem in a open and direct way. 1)Active coping/cognitive: - Logic analysis: looking for ways to solve the problem in a another way. - Positive reframing: realise that other people are in more difficult situations. 6

7 Coping skills (6) 2)Active coping/behavioural - Looking for support: talking to a friend. - Develop an action plan to tackle the problem. 7

8 Coping skills (7) Coping avoidance: The person avoids the problem and wants to reduce the stress and negative emotions. 1)Coping avoidance/cognitive: -Completely forget about your problem, or -accept the problem, but loose the hope to find a solution. 8

9 Coping skills (8) 2)Coping avoidance/behavioural -Look for other activities. -Emotional discharge: cry in order to evacuate the frustration. 9

10 Coping strategies (1) Take care of yourself: - rest - develop daily routines - protect your health Reduce uncertainty: - seek information - take action 10

11 Coping strategies (2) Get away from it all: - exercise - read - play Reduce demands: - establish priorities - eliminate some activities, - reduce self-imposed demands 11

12 Coping strategies (3) Assume control: - make choices and decisions - make your needs known Finish unfinished business: - write it out - express emotions - set short-term goals 12

13 Coping strategies (4) Take advantage of your environment: - establish a support group, - use resources - share in others experiences 13

14 More information: Workgroup mobility English: Workgroup mobility French: Workgroup mobility Latvian: Werkgroep mobiliteit Dutch/Nederlands:

15 Thanks! Jef Vanraepenbusch EUROGUIDANCE EPOS Agency H. Consciencegebouw Koning Albert II-laan 15, kamer 7C 17 B-1210 Brussel Belgium Tel.: +32 (0)2/ 553 87 00 Fax: +32 (0)2/ 553 88 45 Direct number: +32 (0)2/ 553 88 93 e-mail: url: http://www.euroguidance.be 15

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