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Joints. What are the three types of joints? (Material they are made of)

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Presentation on theme: "Joints. What are the three types of joints? (Material they are made of)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joints

2 What are the three types of joints? (Material they are made of)

3 1. fibrous 2. cartilaginous 3. synovial

4 What are the three movements of joints?

5 Synarthroses Amphiarthroses Diarthroses

6 Which joint movement is freely moveable?

7 diarthroses

8 Which joint movement is not moveable?

9 synarthroses

10 Describe and give examples of the three fibrous joints.

11 Fibrous Joints A.Joints in which bones are connected by fibrous tissue with no cavity. B.They are capable of no movement. C.Examples: 1.Sutures=between skull bones 2.Syndesmosis=between long leg and arm bones 3.Gomphoses= joint between tooth and jaw (socket)

12 Sutures

13 Syndesmosis

14 Gomphosis

15 Where does synchondroses take place?

16 Cartilaginous Joints A. Synchondrosis are immovable joints in which bones are joined by hyaline cartilage. –1. Ex: epiphyseal plates

17 Give an example of a symphyses joint.

18 B. Symphyses are slightly moveable joints made of fibrocartilage. Another location is the articulation of the two hip bones=symphyses pubis

19 Name the types of synovial joints and give an example of each.

20 Synovial joints A. Are capable of freely moving. –1. contain: Articular cartilage Joint capsule with synovial membrane and fluid. Bursae that reduce friction in the joint.

21 Types of Synovial Joints Gliding

22 Hinge

23 Pivot

24 Condyloid or Ellipsoidal Joints

25 Saddle joint

26 Ball and Socket Joint

27 What is the purpose of ligament?

28 Ligaments are tough bands of connective tissue that attaches one bone to another.

29 What do tendons do?

30 Bands of cartilage that binds muscle to bone.

31 Describe bursae.

32 Bursae act to decrease friction and keep bones and tendons from rubbing against each other.

33 Differentiate between compact and spongy bone and where it is located.

34 Compact bone is found around the shaft of the diapysis, spongy bone is found in the epiphysis.

35 Describe the location of the medullary cavity.


37 What is the tough membrane that surrounds a long bone?

38 periosteum

39 What is the name of the membrane that lines the medullary cavity?

40 The endosteum

41 The main structural units of a bone are:

42 Osteons or Haversian Canals

43 Describe the main parts of bone structure:

44 –Lamella – weight-bearing, column-like matrix tubes composed mainly of collagen –Haversian, or central canal – central channel containing blood vessels and nerves –Volkmann’s canals – channels lying at right angles to the central canal, connecting blood and nerve supply of the periosteum to that of the Haversian canal Osteocytes – mature bone cells Lacunae – small cavities in bone that contain osteocytes Canaliculi – hair-like canals that connect lacunae to each other and the central canal

45 How are bones classified?

46 1. long 2. short 3. flat 4. irregular

47 Approximately what percent of bone is hydroxyapaties? (calcium salts)

48 65% considered non living

49 Describe how the growth plate operates.

50 During a person’s early years up until 25 for males, and 18 for females, a line of cells between the diaphysis and epiphysis of all long bones go through mitosis to lengthen the bones.

51 Name a condition of the bones.

52 Acromegaly= caused by a pituitary tumor that signals the body to keep growing after puberty. Giantism= same as above but occurs during the growing period.

53 All muscles need calcium. Where will your body harvest calcium if it is in short supply?

54 From the bones.

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