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1. Safety Components & Precautions 2. Proper Form and Technique 3. Health + Performance Benefits 4. FITT Principle 5. How to Record Progress via Fitness.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Safety Components & Precautions 2. Proper Form and Technique 3. Health + Performance Benefits 4. FITT Principle 5. How to Record Progress via Fitness."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Safety Components & Precautions 2. Proper Form and Technique 3. Health + Performance Benefits 4. FITT Principle 5. How to Record Progress via Fitness Log 6. Basic Human Anatomy 7. Fitness Nutrition

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6  Warming up plays a huge role in fitness training, by allowing the body to gradually increase blood flow, and allow to muscles to “warm” up and prepare for work.

7  Warming up can be done in a variety of ways, some of which include running, skipping, biking, or elliptical.  What about stretching?

8  Dynamic: Dynamic stretching is the best type of stretching to do before training.  Example:  Static: Static stretching is done by staying still and lengthening the designated joints or muscles beyond their ROM (Range of Motion)  Example:  Ballistic: This type of stretching is done in the same form as static, but instead of staying still, you are bouncing further and further each time to stretch the muscle.  Example:

9  DYNAMIC!  There have been several studies conducted that mark dynamic stretching as being the most effective and safe method of stretching prior to exercise.

10  KNOWING YOUR OWN STRENGTH!!!  It’s essential to understand that you are not Hercules, and can’t lift the world  SPOTTING  Spotting is a technique used during free weight exercises that requires a partner to assist in the exercise for safety.

11 › Questions to ask prior to SET How many reps are you going for? Do you want a lift off? Do you want help getting the bar back on the rack? Do you want me to assist you through the repetitions?





16  Don’t distract others in the weight room. AND NO HORSE PLAY!!!!  Respect others space  Don’t admire yourself in the mirror… too much  Put weights away after using them!!!  Wipe down equipment after using  Do not stare or criticize others, unless it is positive criticism  Provide a spot for peers if they are alone in the gym  DO NOT LEAVE GYM BAG/WATER BOTTLES laying around  And last, but not least….


18  Fitness training will REDUCE:  Reduce the risk of premature death  Reduce the risk of developing and/or dying from heart disease  Reduce high blood pressure or the risk of developing high blood pressure  Reduce high cholesterol or the risk of developing high cholesterol  Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer and breast cancer  Reduce the risk of developing diabetes  Reduce or maintain body weight or body fat

19  Fitness Training will ENHANCE:  Flexibility and range of motion  Build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and joints  Balance and coordination  Improve psychological well-being  Enhanced work, recreation, and sport performance  Increased levels of confidence and self-esteem  Sport performance

20  F: Frequency (Times per week) › Eg. 4 times per week  I: Intensity (Tempo and heart rate) › Eg. 2-1-2, heart rate 140 bpm (beats per minute)  T: Type (Aerobic, Resistance)  T: Time (Duration of a single session) › Eg. 20 minutes warmup, 45 minute session

21 SET 1 ( warm up) SET 2SET 3SET 4COMMENTS: DATE: Weight - Rep BICEPS DB Bicep Curls Pull Ups/Bicep Pulldown Preacher Curls BACK Lateral Pull-down Rhomboid Fly’s Back Extensions Seated Rows

22 SET 1 ( warm up) SET 2SET 3SET 4COMMENTS: DATE: Weight - Rep BICEPS DB Bicep Curls 20lbs - 8 10lbs - 12 15lbs - 10 Pull Ups/Bicep Pulldown 6 Pull ups 100lbs 8 BP’s Preacher Curls BACK Lateral Pull-down Rhomboid Fly’s Back Extensions BW - 12 25lbs - 8 Seated Rows



25 The ECTOMORPH Definitive "Hard Gainer" Delicate Built Body Flat Chest Fragile Lean Lightly Muscled Small Shouldered Takes Longer to Gain Muscle Thin

26 BODY TYPES: MESOMORPH Athletic Hard Body Hourglass Shaped (Female) Rectangular Shaped (Male) Mature Muscle Mass Muscular Body Excellent Posture Gains Muscle Easily Gains Fat More Easily Than Ectomorphs Thick Skin

27 BODY TYPES: ENDOMORPH Large Frame Big Boned Mature Muscle Mass Stocky Generally not very tall Poor posture due to weight Gains Fat More Easily Than Ectomorphs/Mesomorph s Thick Skin

28  To record your heart rate, simply place your pointer finger and middle finger on the right side of your throat. You should feel a pulse, you will count how many times you feel this pulse in a 10 second period. Once you have this number, multiple it by 6 to give you the beats per minute.

29  Resting Heart Rate = HR Prior to exercise or physical activity  Working Heart Rate = HR During and/or directly after exercise  Should be between 120-180 bpm depending on intensity  Working HR = Pulses in 10 X 6 = BPM › Example: 16 beats in 10 seconds = 96 BPM


31  5 Components of Fitness:  1. Aerobic/Cardiovascular Fitness - Cardiovascular fitness (also known as aerobic exercise) is the ability of the heart, lungs and vascular system to deliver oxygen-rich blood to working muscles during sustained physical activity.  2. Resistance Training / Muscular Strength - Muscular strength is the amount of force a muscle or muscle group can exert against a heavy resistance. Resistance training is the type of training done to gain strength.  3. Muscular Endurance - Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to repeat a movement several times in a row, or to hold a particular position for an extended period of time.  4. Flexibility - Flexibility is the degree to which an individual’s joints and muscles will lengthen during particular movements.  5. Body Composition - Body composition is the amount of fat in the body compared to the amount of lean mass (muscle, bones etc.).

32  It’s important to eat properly and drink plenty of water while training. Staying hydrated and eating a nutritious pre- workout meal will increase performance and energy levels, not only while you train, but for the entire day.

33 1-2 hours BEFORE › Peanuts, granola bars, dried fruit › Yogurt and fruit › Glass of water

34  Repetitions (Reps) : This refers to the number of times you perform and exercise in a row  Sets: Sets refer to the amount of times you perform a group of reps (eg. 4 sets of 10 reps)  Rest: Rest can refer to either the amount of time you take between sets, or the amount of time you take between training sessions  Tempo: Tempo is the time it takes you to perform a single rep, and is directly linked to intensity

35  WkPRSE-W4 WkPRSE-W4

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