Ancient Egypt Facts about Egypt and how it ran! By Ella Harrison.

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1 Ancient Egypt Facts about Egypt and how it ran! By Ella Harrison

2 Egyptian writing! * Writing was very hard to do in Egyptian because they had more than 700 letters in their alphabet we only have 26. * If you could read and write you were also known as a scribe because very few people could learn to have that ability. * In Egyptian times their writing was called hieroglyphics Why was Egyptian writing called hieroglyphics? * Egyptian writing was called hieroglyphics because it was used to represent different objects, actions, sounds or ideas. What did they use canopic jars for? They used Canopic Jars to keep the organs in because otherwise the Jackals would eat them and they would not be resumed to the afterlife.

3 Egyptian gods and goddesses! There were over 2,000 names of gods in Ancient Egypt. Some images of Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses show them with a human body and the head of a bird or an animal. Animals were chosen to represent the powers of the god. h AmunKing of the Gods When Amun was combined with the sun god Ra he was even more powerful. He was then called Amun-Ra. Head of a ram AnubisGod of Mummification (embalming and the dead). His role was as the "guardian to necropolis" Priests often wore a mask of Anubis during mummification ceremonies.Mummification Head of a jackal Bast (Bastet)Goddess of Protection and of household entertainment Thought to be the daughter of the sun god Ra Head of a cat GebEarth God The ancient Egyptians believed that earthquakes were Geb's laughter. Head of a goose HathorGoddess of love and joy and also of music and dance. Head of a cow SekmetGoddess of war and battleHead of a lioness HorusGod of the sky The Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was the 'living Horus'. Head of a falcon HeketGoddess of childbirthHead of frog TefnutGoddess of of the rainHead of lioness ThothGod of wisdom (writing and knowledge) Head of an ibis bird SobekGod of Nile and swidt actionHead of a crocodile Further Information Further Information

4 Why did the ancient Egyptians need pyramids? King Tutankhamun ! King Tutankhamun was found in 1922 by Howard Carter and Lord Carnvorn. King Tutankhamun inherited the throne at the age of 8 years old and died at the age of 18. He was greatly loved and had over 20 statues in his tomb. The Ancient Egyptian's needed Pyramids to keep their dead Pharaohs and scribes in that was until they thought that pyramids could and would be stolen from so they thought of the tomb that was kept underground.

5 River Nile Animals The River Nile was important to the ancient Egyptians because it was many thing to them like a bathing place a toiletry also it was where they put the brain bits from a dead person. Animals were very important because they represented power their favourite animal species was a cat and they used to mummify them!

6 Timeline

7 Egyptian Cinderella The Egyptian Cinderella is very similar to our version, etc.: The Ball, The Slipper and the servants also acted as the two ugly sisters. In the Egyptian Cinderella she is actually called Rhodophis and she used to live in Greece but she got kidnapped by pirates and then someone called charax came and made her into a slave. Rhodophis, sometimes if she wasn’t to tired she would go out and sing and dance but then one day charax spotted her and said a girl with such talent should not have bare feet so she got some slippers. The servants got really jealous by that, then one day the pharaoh held court and every maiden could come in the land but Rhodophis could not go, the servants gave Rhodophis some chores to do before they went so Rhodophis walked down to the river to wash the clothes she was singing whilst she was doing it, wash the clothes, bake the bread but the hippopotamus got tired of hearing that sad song so he jumped into the river. The water splashed Rhodophis’s shoes and she quickly scrubbed them and put them out to dry, soon a falcon came and picked one of her shoes up in its beak knowing I was the sign of a god she got a bit upset so she put the other shoe in her pocket and carried on, down at the ball the falcon had dropped the slipper on his knee he quickly made everybody try on the shoe and he ended up marrying Rhodophis.

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