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Plasma. Definition The watery portion of blood: contains proteins, vitamins, waste products, respiratory gases, hormones, nutrients, and salts.

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Presentation on theme: "Plasma. Definition The watery portion of blood: contains proteins, vitamins, waste products, respiratory gases, hormones, nutrients, and salts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plasma

2 Definition The watery portion of blood: contains proteins, vitamins, waste products, respiratory gases, hormones, nutrients, and salts.

3 Formed elements

4 Definition The portion of the blood (45%) that contains the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

5 hematocrit

6 Definition The percentage of red blood cells in the total volume of blood.

7 erythrocytes

8 Definition Another name for RBCs

9 leukocytes

10 Definition Another name for WBCs

11 platelets

12 Definition Fragments of megakaryocytes which aid in clotting the blood.

13 hemoglobin

14 Definition The protein found in red blood cells, which contains iron to attract oxygen. There are 250 million of these in each red blood cell (each can carry 4 oxygen molecules).

15 neutrophils

16 Definition White blood cells that are first on the infection scene. These are granulocytes that increase during short term infections and are phagocytic.

17 eosinophils

18 Definition These WBC increase during parasitic worm infections and allergy attacks. They are granulocytes as well.

19 basophils

20 Definition These WBC are granulocytes which release histamine (vasodilator) at common inflammation sites or during allergic contact.

21 lymphocytes

22 Definition These WBC are agranulocytes and there are two kinds: B and T. The B’s produce antibodies and the T’s increase during virus and tumor infections.

23 monocytes

24 Definition These WBC are agranulocytes and are phagocytic as well. They increase during long term infections.

25 hematopoiesis

26 Definition The process of making blood cells (red, white, and platelets).

27 erythropoietin

28 Definition This hormone is made by the kidneys and when present increases blood cell production in the bone marrow.

29 hemostasis

30 Definition This means the stoppage of blood flow. Literally it means blood standing still.

31 thrombus

32 Definition This is a blood clot that has formed on the walls of a capillary.

33 embolus

34 Definition This is a thrombus that has broken loose. These are very dangerous if they become lodged in the lungs.

35 Antigen(agglutinogen)

36 Definition The protein or carbohydrate sign that is present on the outside of cells to label what kind of cell it is and whose body it belongs to.

37 Antibody (agglutinin)

38 Definition A protein produced by a B lymphocyte in response to seeing a foreign antigen.

39 Polymorphonucleocyte

40 Definition Means that the cell has a nucleus with many lobes.

41 granulocytes

42 Definition Has small spots (granules) in its cytoplasm.

43 Agranulocytes

44 Definition Have no small spots (granules) in their cytoplasm.

45 Coagulation

46 Defintion The process by which blood clots.

47 Fibrin

48 Definition A protein that holds RBC’s together in a blood clot.

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