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Presentation on theme: "2015-16 WORLD HISTORY 9 MICHOLE MATTIX"— Presentation transcript:


2  Semester long course  District requires 3.5 years of Social Studies for Graduation  World History from 1400’s-1650’s  Renaissance  Reformation  Scientific Revolution  The Americas: Aztec, Inca & Maya  Global Contact/Exploration  CBA (Curriculum Based Assessment)  Research paper on Technology Through the Ages  In class, 90%  Turn in online (need an email address)  Right after 1 st quarter (November) WORLD HISTORY 9

3  Learning Target  What we will learn and how we will learn it  Due Dates/Test Dates  No excuses  Absentee Clipboard and Basket  Taking responsibility  Turn in basket by my desk  Books – classroom, checked out CLASSROOM

4  My availability:  PASS (Wednesdays & Thursdays and some Fridays); before school 7-7:20; 2 nd lunch  Study Hawks:  Library after school, with computer access and peer tutors  2-3:30; Bus leaves shortly after  Get Organized:  Planner or weekly homework/assignment sheet  Use Binder or Folders  Keep assignments for units  Links and Documents on my website (MTHS, Staff, Mattix... )  Not all assignments, but CBA materials and links!  Check Skyward  I update it every two weeks or sooner (CBAs take longer to grade)  Late/make up is updated every two weeks (grade folder then)  If you want to know if they turned it in, yet not graded yet, email me HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD SUCCEED

5  Usually only textbook assignment; but sometimes mini projects and prepare for tests  Also if they don’t finish in class might give for homework due next day  Typically 2 days a week, 20-30 minutes  CBA might be a bit more; depending on how well they use class time  Meant to supplement what we are learning in class, expand the understanding of content  Counts toward daily assignments/homework in grading HOMEWORK

6  Based on 3 areas  Daily assignments (homework too) and Participation is 35% of overall grade  Projects (group and individual) are 25% of overall grade  Tests and Quizzes are 40% of overall grade  CBA goes in Tests/Quizzes category; research and work leading up to paper is Daily assignments/Participation category GRADING

7  I am part time, leave at 12:55  Email is the best:  mattixm@edmonds.wednet.edu mattixm@edmonds.wednet.edu  Goal to respond to emails in 24 hours; check them during my working hours  Website (MTHS, Staff, Mattix... )  Try to update regularly  Freshmen Counselor is Evan Hatch  hatche@Edmonds.wednet.edu hatche@Edmonds.wednet.edu  Freshmen Administrator is Peter Schurke  schurkep@Edmonds.wednet.edu schurkep@Edmonds.wednet.edu CONTACT

8  Local  Graduated from Lynnwood High School  Live in Edmonds  BA in Psychology at Western Washington University; Masters in Teaching from Grand Canyon University  Started teaching here in 1994 (strictly freshmen since 2009)  Involvement:  Girls Basketball Coach 1994-1999 Varsity; 2008-2009 JV  Boys Basketball Academic Advisor 2013-present  Peer Mediator Advisor 2003-present  Class of 2017 Co-Advisor 2013-present  Family & Hobbies:  Married since 1994 with 2 kids – 9th grade daughter and 6th grade son  Enjoy walking my dog, yoga, photography and watching my kids in their activities/sports ABOUT ME

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