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1 Receiving Inventory from Purchase Orders. 2 RentalMan: Purchasing Operations Menu There are two ways to enter into the Receipts Menu to received items.

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1 1 Receiving Inventory from Purchase Orders

2 2 RentalMan: Purchasing Operations Menu There are two ways to enter into the Receipts Menu to received items purchased into the system. First: From the WYNNE Systems Main Menu, select 2. Purchasing Operations 11. Receipts menu Second: From the WYNNE Systems Main Menu, select 1. Operations Menu 53. Additional Operational menu 21. Receiving  NOTE: Option 11 Recaeipt Menu and Option 21 Receiving are both the same function and will take you into the Receipts Menu.

3 3 RentalMan: Receipts Menu Once you have entered the Purchasing Operations module receive the items into the system. Receipts allows you to Receive Qty. Change Pricing, and Place items on Back Order. * From the Purchasing Operations menu select 11. Receipts Search Functions: First: Receipts by P.O. allows you to search for a specific P.O. * From this menu select 12. Receipts By P.O. Second: Receipts by Item # allows you to search for a specific item and what P.O. it has been ordered on. * From this menu select 13. Receipts By Item

4 4 Receiving: Receive P.O. Selection The only way to bring inventory into your location is through the Receive Inventory screen. If you know the P.O. number, enter the number and hit the enter key. To Proceed to the main section of Receiving Inventory. If you do not know the P.O. number, press F4 to search.  Helpful Hint:.When searching for a P.O., the search might take some time, Please be patient.

5 5 Receiving: Receive Inventory Quantity After finding the correct P.O., the system automatically takes you into the next screen. The Receipt Inventory Information screen displays the detailed items listed on the P.O. Find item to be received into the system. Enter quantity in black field. The system automatically checks the amount received against the open purchase order If you receive less than what was ordered, the remaining number of items that were not received will be placed on Back Order, and the P.O. remains open.  WARNING!!! You can not receive in more than what was initially ordered on the P.O.. To add Quantity to a P.O., you must go back to P.O. Maintenance and make changes.

6 6 Receiving: Quantity Selection & Price Verification Receiving of Equipment or Serialized Merchandise on a Purchase Order. When more than one piece of equipment is purchased multiple item lines will appear. To receive either Equipment or Serialized Merchandise, proceed to the file set-up.  NOTE: This is the last chance to input the correct cost of the items. Always verify pricing before you complete receipt of items.  WARNING!!! Prior to closing, double check item numbers due to vendors superceding part #s. Superceded numbers can be changed by going back into P.O. Maintenance.

7 7 Receiving: Equipment Receipt Consistent and accurate information is critical when entering into the Equipment Master Information screen. Starting with the Make simply enter the required information and hit enter to automatically default to the next line, continue until all the fields are populated.  NOTE: The defaults for the Equipment Master only require Make, Model and Serial #.  Helpful Hint: When equipment is received into the system it appears in the Equipment File as New. To receive into rental you need to complete a Sales to Rental Transfer.

8 8 Receiving: Equipment Set up - continued… Use the equipment master information Screen to set up the following when applicable. To charge extra usage on a Rental Contract use: Mile/Hour code (M/H/U): (M) Miles = Mileage (H) Hours = Hour meter (U) Usage = Usage or Ware To charge fuel on a Rental Contract use: Prompt charges: Examples – Gas, Diesel, Propane.. To inform the shop of warranty status use: Warranty exp date:  WARNING!!! This is the only chance that you have, at the store level, to input the correct Equipment information. Once added, changes can only be made by the DATA CONVERSION TEAM.

9 9 Receiving: Moving Item to Retail Sales To place items into Retail Sales, change the E code to M serialized on the P.O.. Serial numbers are required to complete this function. Add serial numbers to each item. This allows the location to track their inventory. To sell Resale Items it requires a serial number to be added to complete the transaction To transfer Resale Items into Rental Inventory generates a unit # for the item.  Helpful Hint:.When entering serial Numbers make sure to always start from the beginning of the line.

10 10 Receiving: Receipt Finalizing This is how the completed receipt of inventory looks in the system. Note the Receiver number appears in the upper right hand corner in white. Once you have reached this point inventory is automatically updated to your location. You have now successfully received inventory into your location!!!

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