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Chapter 6  People ◦ 5% of Earth’ population live in the U.S and Canada  US = 300 millionCanada = 33 million ◦ All are immigrants  Native Americans.

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2 Chapter 6

3  People ◦ 5% of Earth’ population live in the U.S and Canada  US = 300 millionCanada = 33 million ◦ All are immigrants  Native Americans thousands of years ago  Waves of Europeans/Asians/Africans in past 400 years  Sought political/religious freedom  Improved economic opportunity  Enslaved Africans

4  Population Density and Distribution ◦ US and Canada are vastly different  US = 78 people per sq mi.Canada = 8 per sq. mi. ◦ Canada  90% live along US border  Rugged terrain and brutal climate make most of Canada inhospitable to human inhabitation  Canadian Shield has poor soil  Who lives there?

5  Population Density and Distribution ◦ US and Canada are vastly different  US = 78 people per sq mi.Canada = 8 per sq. mi. ◦ United States  Population Centers  Northeast and Great Lakes  Pacific Coast  Sunbelt  Sparsely populated areas  Alaska  Great Basin and Great Plains


7 How physical geography effects human geography

8  Cities ◦ US and Canada have experienced urbanization  The concentration of population in cities ◦ Jobs, education, health care and cultural opportunities draw people to cities ◦ Metropolitan areas = city with +50,000 people and its outlying communities called suburbs  80% of the U.S.

9  Cities (cont.)  Coastal Cities  People tend to live along the ocean coast  Megalopolis – “great city”  Combines Boston-New York-Philadelphia-Baltimore- Washington DC  Over 42 million residents  Other coastal cities include: Miami, New Orleans, Houston, Los Angeles, Vancouver  All are major port cities

10  Cities (cont.)  Inland Cities  People tend to live along inland lakes and rivers as well  Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Cities  Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago  Mississippi River System Cities  Winnipeg, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Memphis, Nashville  Other inland cities grew from being commercial hub  Kansas City, Dallas, Atlanta, Charlotte, Calgary, Edmonton, Phoenix, Oklahoma City, Las Vegas  How is each city represented by professional sports?

11 New York Charlotte Miami Montreal Vancouver Cleveland Pittsburgh Boston Kansas City Las Vegas Toronto Memphis New Orleans

12 History and Government!

13  History ◦ Native Americans  Native peoples traveled across a land bridge from Asia to North America thousands of years ago  By 10,000 years ago people lived in across what is now the USA and Canada  Native Culture varied by location  Subarctic & tundra – hunt caribou, seals, and wear thick furs  Maritime Northwest – hunt whales, salmon; carve totems  Southwest – irrigation farmers  Plains – migrant hunters  Lower Mississippi – mound builders, farmers  Northeast – farmers, hunters

14  History ◦ European Colonies  Migration began in the 1500s  Mostly from Spain, France, and England  French in the North, Spain in the South, England in the middle  Came for “God, Gold, and Glory”  Religious zeal/freedom, seeking wealth, and personal adventure  Set up colonies  English and Spanish imported African slaves to work cash crop plantations  European disease and warfare decimates Native populations

15  History ◦ Two New Countries  1754-1763 French & Indian War  (French/Indians vs. British/Americans)  France loses…gives territory to Britain  French in Quebec region of Canada keep French culture/language  1775-1783 American Revolution  Americans tire of British taxes  Win Independence  Britain keeps control of Canada until 1982!

16  From 1812-1815 the US tried to conquer Canada?  And lost!

17  History ◦ Sea to Shining Sea  Both USA and Canada expand westward to the Pacific  1803 Louisiana Purchase  1845 Texas  1846 Mexican Cession & Oregon Territory  1867 Alaska and Hawaii

18  Economics ◦ Growth, Division, Unity  1800s Industrial Revolution  Turns the northeast USA and southeastern Canada into manufacturing hubs  Massive Eastern and Southern European immigration  Agriculture in the southeast USA  Relies on slave labor  Leading cause of the American Civil War 1861-1865  20 th Century  Technology and expansion help USA and Canada become world leaders

19  Government ◦ USA  Federal Government with a Constitution  Bill of Rights lists out basic freedoms  Legislative (Senate & House of Representatives) – make laws  Executive (President and Cabinet) – enforce law  Judiciary (Supreme Court) – interpret laws

20  Government ◦ Canada  Was a Dominion until 1982  Only partially independent from United Kingdom (Great Britain)  Parliamentary Government  Two houses legislature (Senate & House of Commons)  Prime Minister acts as the executive  Supreme Court interprets law


22 Culture and Life Styles

23  Cultural Characteristics ◦ Religious Freedom  Americans and Canadians both enjoy protected religious freedom  USA – 1 st Amendment  Most Americans and Canadians are Christians…but both countries have many Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and nonreligious peoples

24  Languages ◦ English is the primary language ◦ French is spoken in Quebec ◦ Spanish is spoken by millions in America as well ◦ Locally Chinese, Korean, Viet, etc are spoken

25  The Arts ◦ Music  Native American, Folk, Country, Rock, Jazz, Blues, Hip- Hop, Rap, all originated in North America

26  The Arts ◦ Visual Arts  Paintings, architecture, sculpture all thrive in North America Art Deco Pollack Wright

27  The Arts ◦ Literature thrives across US and Canada

28  The Arts ◦ Pop Culture  Hollywood  New York

29  Lifestyles ◦ Americans and Canadians enjoy a high socio-economic status ◦ Both are developed countries ◦ Healthcare and Education are available to people ◦ Leisure activities are popular – sports, outdoors etc.

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