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Monday January 20 th Lesson 18, Day 1. Objective: To listen and respond appropriately to oral communication. Question of the Day: What are some places.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday January 20 th Lesson 18, Day 1. Objective: To listen and respond appropriately to oral communication. Question of the Day: What are some places."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday January 20 th Lesson 18, Day 1

2 Objective: To listen and respond appropriately to oral communication. Question of the Day: What are some places you might go hiking? When I give you the signal, turn and talk with your partner using the stem below. I went ______ on my hike.

3 Objective: To listen for a purpose. Read Aloud Read Aloud “We’re Going on a Lion Hunt”

4 Objective - To read high frequency words. Word Wall: carry would play tree day onto eat they

5 Objective: To blend phonemes to make new words. Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending

6 Objective: To recognize and generate the sound o Long vowel /o/ ow, oa When I say a word that begins with the /o/ sound, make a o with you fingers. When I say a word that does not have /o/, do nothing. When I say a word that has the /o/ sound in the middle, make an /o/ with your fingers.

7 Word Blending g Objective: To build and blend words with /o/ and other known letter-sounds. oa r t cl m row cr

8 Word Building Objective: To build and blend words with o and other known letter-sounds. low s grow road s p tb

9 When called go to your seat and label the paper with your name and date. It’s time to take our spelling pretest! Objective: To spell spelling words and high frequency words.

10 Reading Shadow follows Jess. Shadow spots a black crow. Objective: To use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable text. To develop fluency.

11 Words to Know play day tree onto eat Objective: To read high-frequency words.

12 Small Groups Let’s Read “Shadow in the Snow” When called go to your first rotation! Group 2 Group 1 Group 3 Objective: To use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable text. To develop fluency.

13 Retelling Objective: To practice retelling a story. Beginning End Middle

14 Fluency Jon has a goat. Her name is Joan. Joan has spots on her fur. Joan likes to run on the road. She has on a bow for the show. Oh, no, Joan! Do not eat the box! Objective: To read fluently in a manner that sounds like natural speech.

15 Fluency Seesaw read “Shadow in the Snow” with your partner. Try to Increase your reading rate each time. Read the story 3 or 4 times. Objective: To read fluently in a manner that sounds like natural speech.

16 Read Aloud Objective: To understand characteristics of folktales. The Mitten

17 Objective: To develop robust vocabulary by discussing ideas and situations. Robust Vocabulary Bulged Jostled Argue

18 If a container bulged, its side stuck out as if it were going to burst. bulged

19 jostled When you have jostled people, you have bumped them or poked them to make them move. The boys jostled for the ball.

20 When you argue with someone, you disagree loudly. argue

21 Vocabulary Practice/Apply Close your mouth and make your cheeks bulge. Show your partner how you look when you argue.

22 Objective: To identify homophones and use them correctly. I knew I would loose my new mittens. When you write a letter, spell the words right.

23 Objective: To identify homophones and use them correctly.

24 Objective: To develop a criteria list for writing a thank you note.


26 Draft a Thank You Letter Objective: To understand the purpose of each part of the friendly letter.

27 Practice Saying Thank You Draw a picture of a friend giving you a gift or helping you. Think about what you would say to them. Objective: To understand the purpose of each part of the friendly letter

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