Parent Early Phonics Workshop Building the foundations for future readers and writers.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Early Phonics Workshop Building the foundations for future readers and writers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Early Phonics Workshop Building the foundations for future readers and writers

2 Foundation Stage Phonics Emergent writing Speaking and Listening Developing a love of literacy


4 Year 1 Talk for Writing Imitate and Innovate Understanding what a sentence is


6 Year 2 Innovate and Invent Develop range of writing genres Beginning to develop range of spelling patterns


8 Year 3 Knowing there is a difference between spoken and written language Consistently writing sentences that make sense with a capital letter and full stop Beginning to use a range of connectives to add detail and description to sentences Writing for a range of purposes


10 Year 4 Improving fluency of writing Varying sentence types using a range of connectives Selecting language for effect Organise writing into clear sections or paragraphs


12 Year 5 Making deliberate choices to engage the reader... range of connectives, vary sentence starters, range of punctuation, embedded clauses (Suddenly the boat, which was bright red, crashed into the harbour wall) Edit and improve writing


14 Year 6 Sophisticated writing! Consistently complex and deliberately planned sentences, text structure and vocabulary choices


16 Where does it all start...?

17 Phase 1 Aspect 1: Environmental sounds Aspect 2: Instrumental sounds Aspect 3: Body percussion Aspect 4: Rhythm and rhyme Aspect 5: Alliteration Aspect 6: Voice Sounds

18 Phase 2 Website with videos for Phase 2.

19 Phase 2 continued... spell read

20 Phase 3

21 Phase 3 continued... Example

22 Phases 4, 5 and 6 Find out more...

23 Reading in school.... Individual reading Guided reading Phonics sessions Shared reading Reading across the curriculum

24 Reading at home... Sharing stories Reading your reading book Reading other books

25 How we organise phonic teaching Phase 1 Phases 2-6 In nursery In reception In Years 1-6

26 What can you do to help? Play phonic games with your children (see leaflet) Let us know sounds or skills your child finds tricky - coming soon!

27 Glossary Phonics glossary blend (vb) — to draw individual sounds together to pronounce a word, e.g. s-n-a-p, blended together, reads snap cluster — two (or three) letters making two (or three) sounds, e.g. the first three letters of 'straight' are a consonant cluster digraph — two letters making one sound, e.g. sh, ch, th, ph. vowel digraphs comprise of two vowels which, together, make one sound, e.g. ai, oo, ow split digraph — two letters, split, making one sound, e.g. a-e as in make or i-e in site grapheme — a letter or a group of letters representing one sound, e.g. sh, ch, igh, ough (as in 'though') grapheme-phoneme correspondence (GPC) — the relationship between sounds and the letters which represent those sounds; also known as 'letter-sound correspondences' mnemonic — a device for memorising and recalling something, such as a snake shaped like the letter 'S' phoneme — the smallest single identifiable sound, e.g. the letters 'sh' represent just one sound, but 'sp' represents two (/s/ and /p/) segment (vb) — to split up a word into its individual phonemes in order to spell it, e.g. the word 'cat' has three phonemes: /c/, /a/, /t/ VC, CVC, CCVC — the abbreviations for vowel-consonant, consonant-vowel-consonant, consonant- consonant-vowel-consonant, which are used to describe the order of letters in words, e.g. am, ham, slam.

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