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Quiz #2 Review There are no traffic jams when you go the EXTRA MILE.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz #2 Review There are no traffic jams when you go the EXTRA MILE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz #2 Review There are no traffic jams when you go the EXTRA MILE

2 Building Cardiovascular Fitness Question: What is the definition of anaerobic exercise and why is it important?

3 Building Cardiovascular Fitness Anaerobic activity is done in short, fast bursts in which the heart cannot supply the oxygen as fast as the muscles use it. Anaerobic fitness is important for performance in many sports such as: basketball, soccer, lacrosse, gymnastics, and football.

4 Building Cardiovascular Fitness Question: What guidelines should someone follow who wants to do anaerobic activity?

5 Building Cardiovascular Fitness Answer: They should do short bursts of vigorous exercise for less than 30 seconds. Recoveries should be between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. Interval training are activities in which short bursts of high intensity exercises are alternated with rest periods. Examples: Circuit training, sprint intervals, pacer test

6 Building Cardiovascular Fitness Question: What does the term aerobic fitness mean?

7 Building Cardiovascular Fitness Answer: Aerobic means “ with oxygen. ” Aerobic exercise means exercise you can sustain for long periods of time. Aerobic fitness is the same thing as cardiovascular fitness.

8 How Much Physical Activity Is Enough? Question: An acronym, FITT, is used to remind you about the basic principles of exercise. What does FITT stand for?

9 How Much Physical Activity Is Enough? Answer:FrequencyIntensityTimeType

10 Question: What does frequency refer to?

11 How Much Physical Activity Is Enough? Answer: Frequency refers to how often you do physical activity. For example, to develop active aerobics you should exercise 3-6 x each week

12 How Much Physical Activity Is Enough? Question: What does intensity refer to?

13 How Much Physical Activity Is Enough? Intensity refers to how hard you are doing physical activity. How do you measure this? You can take your pulse rate during exercise (count the number of beats you feel for 6 seconds and multiply by 10….you are simply adding a zero).

14 How Much Physical Activity Is Enough? Question: What does time refer to?

15 How Much Physical Activity Is Enough? Answer: Time refers to how long you do physical activity. To build cardiovascular fitness, be active continuously for a minimum of 20 minutes.

16 How Much Physical Activity Is Enough? Question: What does type refer to?

17 How Much Physical Activity Is Enough? Answer: Type refers to the specific type of activity you do to get the benefit you want. For example, the type of activity you use to build cardiovascular fitness is different from the type of activity to build strength or flexibility.

18 How Much Physical Activity Is Enough? Answer: The Physical Activity Pyramid represents the kinds and amount of physical activity that people should do to remain fit and healthy.

19 How Much Physical Activity Is Enough? Level 1 Lifestyle Physical Activity Level 2 Active Sports and Recreational Activities / Active Aerobic Activities Level 3 Flexibility Activities / Muscle Fitness Activities Level 4 Limit Sedentary Living

20 How Much Physical Activity Is Enough? Level 1 F = All or Most Days, I = Moderate, T = 30m Level 2 F = 3-6 days, I = Moderate to Vigorous, T = 20 or more minutes Level 3 Flexibility: F = 3-7 days, I = Moderate Stretch, T = 15 to 30 sec Muscle Fitness: F = 2-3 days, I= Moderate to Vig Resistance, T= 8-12 reps, 1 to 3 sets Level 4 Avoid inactive periods of time for more than 2 hours a day

21 Physical Activity Pyramid Question: What is meant by lifestyle physical activities?

22 Physical Activity Pyramid Answer: Activities that you can do daily or nearly every day – on your own, or with someone else. Examples include walking, jogging, cycling, hiking, and involvement in other outdoor recreational activities.

23 Physical Activity Pyramid Question: What is active aerobics?

24 Physical Activity Pyramid Answer: Active aerobics is associated with many health and wellness benefits. Active aerobics benefits cardiovascular fitness and body composition. You should perform aerobic activity 3 to 6 times a week.

25 Physical Activity Pyramid Question: What are active sports and recreation?

26 Physical Activity Pyramid Answer: Active sport and recreational activities They are helpful in maintaining many parts of fitness and in building skills. You can substitute active sport or recreational activity for some of the aerobic activities.

27 Physical Activity Pyramid Question: What is meant by exercise for flexibility?

28 Physical Activity Pyramid Yoga, stretching, Gymnastics

29 Physical Activity Pyramid Question: What is meant by exercise for strength and muscular endurance?

30 Physical Activity Pyramid Answer: To develop muscular strength or endurance, you must exercise at least two days a week. The type of exercise would be resistance training (or weight training). Good strength and muscular endurance results in better performance, improved body appearance, a healthier back, good posture, and stronger bones.

31 Physical Activity Pyramid Question: What is meant by inactivity and sedentary living?

32 Physical Activity Pyramid Answer: Not doing regular activity or exercise (bad). We need to take time to recover from daily stresses. Periods of rest and sleep are important. Studying, reading, and even watching television can help.

33 What are the 6 skill-related components of Physical Fitness? A________________ (the ability to change directions quickly) B________________ (the ability to keep an upright position) C________________ (the ability to use body parts together) P________________ (the ability to use strength quickly) R_____ T_________ (the amount of Time it takes to react) S________________ (the ability to cover a distance quickly)

34 Flexibility Facts Question: What is meant by the term range of motion (ROM)?

35 Flexibility Facts Answer: ROM means the degree of movement you have. Gymnasts have a large range of motion around the shoulder joint. Hurdlers have a large range of motion around the hip joint.

36 Muscle Fitness Basics What is resistance?

37 Muscle Fitness Basics Answer: A force that acts against your muscles

38 What is an Isometric contraction? A contraction without movement What is an isotonic Contraction? A muscle contracts and changes length (gets shorter or longer).

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