Eng. Technology Project SE 101 LACC Team #. NOTE The following is just a model. You are not limited to it. You are welcome to expand it as much as you.

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Presentation on theme: "Eng. Technology Project SE 101 LACC Team #. NOTE The following is just a model. You are not limited to it. You are welcome to expand it as much as you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eng. Technology Project SE 101 LACC Team #

2 NOTE The following is just a model. You are not limited to it. You are welcome to expand it as much as you need. Please avoid filling out the slides with lots of words Once report is done ask someone else to revise it. Document how you build your product (be creative) Very important: Clean up (or edit) the document. Do not leave extra info. Points will be deducted.

3 NOTE Very Important: Make sure to include supporting documentation to prove your work. Example of support documentation: o Scan documents o Pictures and Videos o Drawings and sketches o Tables and Graphs o Simulations and o whatever else you can come out with (BE CREATIVE)

4 Agenda Executive Summary Problem Solving Skills Eng. Design Process – Identification of Problem & Specs – Brainstorm of possible solutions – Design Drawings Circuit schematics Multisim Math Analysis – Build – Test & Evaluate – Redesign (if needed) – Share Solution Budget Analysis Conclusion

5 Executive Summary An executive summary is a short section of a document that summarizes a longer report in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all.

6 Problem Solving Skills Briefly explain how this project was broken down into smaller tasks and why. State the role and task assigned to each team member. NameRoleTask Assigned

7 Eng. Design Process Identification of Problem and Specifications

8 Eng. Design Process Brainstorming Possible Solutions

9 Eng. Design Process Design Drawings Circuit schematics Multisim Math Analysis

10 Eng. Design Process Build

11 Eng. Design Process Test & Evaluate

12 Eng. Design Process Redesign if needed

13 Eng. Design Process Share your solution

14 Eng. Design Process EDP Budget Analysis Overhead Cost Product Materials Engineering Hours Total + Profit (?%) This is what your team will charge for creating a prototype: This is the overall budget. You must specify details by using other tables. To compute Eng. Hours please see Eng. Tech lecture ppt.

15 Conclusion Write down what you did, accomplished, and how it was achieved. Which type of analysis was applied and why. State an overall conclusion.

16 Special Thanks To Write a comment if you wish. Team Member NameRollEmail

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