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Lecture 2 About Computers Dr. Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos CSL/UIUC.

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1 Lecture 2 About Computers Dr. Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos CSL/UIUC

2 Lecture Outline Anatomy of a computer system and a microprocessor Basic instruction processing x86 registers x86 memory basics Peripheral devices Introduction to x86 assembly

3 Internal organization of a PC CPU Memory Expansion Bus Peripherals Control Data Address

4 Organization of a microprocessor ALU BIU Control registers General purpose registers Status Registers Control Data Address CPU

5 Microprocessors State machines that execute hardcoded instructions sequenced in assembly programs Processors perform very simple calculations –Arithmetic operations –Logical operations –Moving data to/from memory The output of your programs makes the microprocessor look smarter than it really is…

6 Processor Components (simplified) ALU –The heart of the CPU where calculations are performed Registers –On-chip storage locations made from flip-flops, very fast to access –Valuable resource, not in large amounts, must be used wisely! Cache –On-chip storage made with SRAM –Enables fast access to data –Not as fast as registers but faster than external memory. –Cache contents are managed by the hardware.

7 Processor Components (simplified) Bus Interface –Controls access to the buses whenever the processor accesses memory, or exchanges data with peripherals Control and instruction unit –Fetch instructions from memory to feed the processor –Decode instructions –Control the program flow

8 x86 Intel/Microsoft’s monopoly: cost-effective microprocessors for the mass market x86 refers to an instruction set rather than a specific processor architecture The processor core that implements the x86 instruction set has gone through substantial modifications and improvements over the last 20 years x86 is a Complex Instruction Set Computer –20,000+ instructions –This course is supposed to take you through most of them!

9 Basic Instruction Processing A simple 3-step procedure –Fetch instruction from memory –Decode the instruction to find out what to do –Execute the instruction Fetch operands from memory, if any Store results Instruction execution in the stone age of computing Fetch 1 Decode 1 Execute 1 Fetch 2 Decode 2 Execute 2 …... BusyIdleBusy…...BusyIdleBusy Microprocessor Bus

10 A bit more advanced instr. processing Microprocessors use sophisticated pipelines Idea: Different stages of the execution of an instruction occupy different components of the microprocessor Why not keeping all components busy by having them execute parts of different instructions at the same time! Pipelining allows the processor to overlap the execution of multiple instructions and be more productive

11 Pipelining Bus Fetch 1 Fetch 2 Fetch 3 Fetch 4 Store 1 Fetch 5 …... Fetch 6 Fetch 7 Load 2 Instruction Unit Decode 1 Decode 2 Decode 3 Decode 4 Idle Decode 5 …... Decode 6 Idle Decode 7 Exec. 1 Exec. 2 Exec. 3 Exec. 4 Idle Exec. 5 Exec. 6 Exec. 7 Idle Execution Unit Memory request

12 State of the-art instruction processing Pipelining with feedback Multiple instructions issued during the same cycle Multiple instructions completed per cycle (IPC > 1) Advanced instruction issue logic to feed the microprocessor with as many instructions as possible in every cycle

13 Registers Registers are storage locations The first-level of a computer’s memory hierarchy The fastest to access storage in your system Purposes –Data used in arithmetic/logical operations –Pointers to memory locations containing data or instructions –Control information (e.g. outcome of arithmetic instructions, outcome of instructions that change the control flow of a program)

14 x86 Registers at a Glance Accumulator EAX AHAL AX Base EBX BHBL BX Count ECX CHCL CX Data EDX DHDL DX General Purpose Instr Pointer EIP IP Flags EFLAG FLAG Special Registers Stack Segment Code Segment CS Data Segment DS Extra Segment ES SS FS GS Segment Registers Stack Pointer ESP SP Base Pointer EBP BP Dest Index EDI DI Source Index ESI SI Index Registers

15 General Purpose Registers Accumulator (AH,AL,AX,EAX) –Accumulates results from mathematical calculations Base (BH,BL,BX,EBX) –Points to memory locations Count (CL,CH,CX,ECX) –Counter used typically for loops –Can be automatically incremented/decremented Data (DL,DH,DX,EDX) –Data used in calculations –Most significant bits of a 32-bit mul/div operation

16 A note on GP registers In 80386 and newer processors GP registers can be used with a great deal of flexibility… But you should remember that each GP register is meant to be used for specific purposes… Memorizing the names of the registers will help you understand how to use them Learning how to manage your registers will help you develop good programming practices for ECE291

17 Index Registers SP, ESP –Stack pointer (more on that in upcoming lectures…) BP, EBP –Address stack memory, used to access subroutine arguments SI, ESI, DI, EDI –Source/Destination registers –Point to the starting address of a string/array –Used to manipulate strings and similar data types

18 Segment Registers CS –Points to the memory area where your program’s instructions are stored DS –Points to the memory area where your program’s data is stored SS –Points to the memory area where your stack is stored ES,FS,GS –They can be used to point to additional data segments, if necessary

19 Special Registers IP, EIP –Instruction pointer, points always to the next instruction that the processor is going to execute FLAG, EFLAG –Flags register, contains individual bits set by different operations (e.g. carry, overflow, zero) –Used massively with branch instructions

20 Memory You can always view memory as a huge array of bytes… Real memory organization is different for efficiency AB 1 FF 5512 1433 76DE 0146 F124 E911 9087 3 5 7 9 B D F 0 2 4 6 8 A C E Odd BankEven Bank Data Bus (15:8)Data Bus (7:0)

21 x86 memory addressing modes Width of the address bus determines the amount of addressable memory The amount of addressable memory is NOT the amount of physical memory available in your system Real mode addressing –A remainder of the age of 8086, 20-bit address bus, 16-bit data bus –In real mode we can only address memory locations 0 through 0FFFFF h. Used only with 16-bit registers Protected mode addressing –32-bit address bus, 32-bit data bus, 32-bit registers –Up to 4 Gigabytes of addressable memory –80386 and higher operate in either real or protected mode

22 Real-mode addressing on the x86 Memory address format Segment:Offset Linear address obtained by: –Shifting segment left by 4 bits –Adding offset Example: 2222:3333 Linear address: 25553 Example: 2000:5553 Linear address: 25553

23 Peripherals For the purposes of this class, peripherals are devices INSIDE the PC box –USB, serial ports –Timers –Programmable Interrupt Controllers –Network cards –Other helper devices We do not consider joysticks, printers, scanners,etc. as peripherals

24 Peripherals Peripherals communicate with the CPU via control, address and data buses, just like memory I/O address bus is 16-bit wide, therefore we are able to address up to 65,535 I/O ports I/O data bus is also 16-bit wide Peripherals can be I/O mapped or memory-mapped or both

25 Example My network card I/O Address range 7400- 743F Memory mapping range C0200000-C0200FFF Both memory-mapped and I/O-mapped We can access this device using different types of instructions More on that in later lectures…

26 Why Assembly ? Assembly lets you write fast programs –You can write programs that execute calculations at the maximum hardware speed… –…assuming that you know what you’re doing… Class Quiz: Why not always use assembly ? Assembly is necessary for writing system’s software –Compilers –Operating systems (your instructor’s favorite field…) Assembly is necessary while designing and evaluating new microprocessors Assembly is used to program embedded devices and DSPs

27 Assembly files Four simple things Labels –Variables are declared as labels pointing to specific memory locations –Labels mark the start of subroutines or locations to jump to in your code Instructions/Directives Comments Data

28 Comments, comments, comments! ; Comments are denoted by semi-colons. ; Please comment your MP ’ s thoroughly. ; It helps us figure out what you were doing ; It also helps you figure out what you were ; doing when you look back at code you ; wrote more than two minutes ago.

29 Labels ; Labels can be global MyGlobalLabel: MyOtherGlobalLabel: ; They can be local too.MyLocalLabel ; Local labels are always related to the previous un-dotted label

30 Local labels MyBigGlobalLabel.local_label1.local_label2 MyNextBigGlobalLabel.local_label1; these are distinct.local_label2; to the ones above

31 Variables ; Let ’ s do something with labels now VAR1 DB 255 VAR2 DB 0FFh VAR3 DW 1234h ARR1 DB 12, 34, 56, 78, 90 ARR2 DW 12, 34, 56, 78, 90 STR1 DB ‘ 291 is awesome!!! ’, 0 BUF1 RESB 80 labelsDirectives (pseudoinstructions) data

32 Directives EXTERN: allows you declare external procedures and use them in your program SEGMENT: declare a memory segment EQU: define pre-processor constants

33 Example ; Let ’ s declare some external functions EXTERN kbdine, dspout, dspmsg, dosxit ; Let ’ s begin our code segment SEGMENT code ; I ’ d normally put my variables right here..start; This is a special label that ; denotes the execution starting ; point. The next instruction ; after..start will be the first ; to run when you execute your program

34 Example with simple instructions ; Here are some simple instructions mov ax, [VAR1] ; notice the brackets mov dx, STR1 ; notice the not brackets call dspmsg jmp done mov bx, [VAR2] ; this will never happen done

35 Example with simple instructions SEGMENT code var1db55h; 55 var2db0AAh; AA var3db12h; 12 str1db"Hello", 0; 48 65 6C 6C 6F 00..start moval,[var1]; A0 00 00 movbx,var3; BB 02 00 incbx; 43 moval,[bx]; 8A 07

36 Keep up the good work! HW0 due Monday!

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