The Nervous System  System in our body that gathers and processes information in order to produce responses to stimulus.  Information can be internal.

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2 The Nervous System  System in our body that gathers and processes information in order to produce responses to stimulus.  Information can be internal or external.

3 The Central Nervous System  Brain – Core of the Nervous System  Takes information from the body, processes it, makes decision, and sends commands  Spinal Cord  Long bundle of neurons that carry information to and away from the brain  Neurons are basic cells of the nervous system that send and receive information within the system

4 Spinal Cord Injury Christopher Reeve

5 Spinal Cord Reflexes  Automatic  Do not require the brain

6 What Carries the Messages?  Sensory nerves  carry messages from the senses to the spinal cord  Motor nerves  carry messages from the spinal cord to muscles and glands. Neurons within the spinal cord excite motor nerves.

7 Nervous System Central Nervous System Spinal CordBrain

8 The Peripheral Nervous System  Contains portions of the nervous system outside the CNS  Handles the input and output of the CNS  Made up of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems

9 Somatic Nervous System  Consists of nerves connected to sensory receptors and skeletal muscles that permit voluntary action  The “skeletal nervous system”

10 Nervous System Central Nervous System Spinal CordBrain Peripheral Nervous System Somatic Nervous System

11 Autonomic Nervous System  Consists of nerves that control involuntary muscles, organs, and glands  Are more or less automatic  Consists of two divisions…

12 How would you feel if I told you right now, that we have a quiz?

13 Sympathetic Division  “Fight or Flight”  Readies us to deal with stressful situations by enabling our bodies to act and expend energy.  Examples:  Increase heartbeat, increases breathing, dilates pupils, inhibits stomach activity, produces sweat

14 Parasympathetic Division  “Eat, drink, and rest” functions  Restores and conserves energy  Examples:  Restores heartbeat, slows breathing, enables digestion and excretion

15 Nervous System Central Nervous System Spinal CordBrain Peripheral Nervous System Somatic Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System Parasympathetic Division Sympathetic Division

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