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Markov Random Fields (MRF) Spring 2009 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

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1 Markov Random Fields (MRF) Spring 2009 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

2 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 Instructor Dr. H. B Mitchell email:

3 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 Markov Random Field MRF: A probabilistic model defined by local conditional probabilities. In image fusion it provides a convenient way to exploit pixel dependencies in fusion process. Notation: is the conditional probability of gray-level G(m,n) at pixel (m,n) given the gray-levels in the neighborhood of (m,n) Neighborhood of (m,n) Center pixel (m,n)

4 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 MRF Fusion of Multiple Thresholded Images Multiple thresholding algorithms. Experiments show that different thresholding react differently to different pictures:

5 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 MRF Fusion of Multiple Thresholded Images Experiments show that different thresholding react differently to different pictures: MRF provides a way of fusing them together taking into account context

6 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 MRF Fusion of Multiple Thresholded Images Given thresholded images Seek a binary image such that Theory of MRF suggests can find by minimizing a sum of local energy functions:

7 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 MRF Fusion of Multiple Thresholded Images The local energy has following form Split this into spatial context and inter-image context:

8 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 MRF Fusion: Spatial Context Spatial context is Write it as a sum of number of times B(m,n) is different from B(p,q):

9 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 MRF Fusion: Inter-Image Context Inter-image context is Write it as a sum of number of times B(m,n) is different from

10 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 MRF Fusion: Inter-Image Context The formula: means the inter-image context does not depend on how the accuracy of the thresholding algorithm varies with the pixel gray- levels. We correct for this by rewriting the inter-image context as where

11 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 MRF Fusion: Inter-Image Context We use the same considerations to calculate the weights where

12 Sensor Fusion Spring 2009 Algorithm Solve MRF equations iteratively Initialization. Set spatial context to zero: Iterations. For each iteration update by minimizing Stop. Stop when difference between solution obtained at kth iteration and (k+1)th iteration is sufficiently small.

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