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Gridlock and Congressional Relations Jamie Monogan University of Georgia September 30, 2015.

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1 Gridlock and Congressional Relations Jamie Monogan University of Georgia September 30, 2015

2 Objectives By the end of this meeting, participants should be able to: Demonstrate why gridlock may occur between an executive and a legislature. List the cases in which the president and Congress must interact. Describe how these cases contrast with unilateral presidential action.

3 Presidential Vetoes

4 What explains the variation in the number of vetoes a president issues? –Veto threats –Partisan control of Congress Gridlock: Arises when the two chambers of Congress and the president cannot agree on new legislation –The status quo is key to whether new laws will pass



7 The Populist Presidency Presidents can “go public” and communicate directly with the American people Used to mobilize voters and put pressure on Congress Polling to measure public opinion

8 Appointments With the “advice and consent” of the Senate Positions in executive agencies, ambassadorships, and courts Looks for people who share philosophy

9 Executive Orders, Agreements, and Signing Statements Executive orders can be used for major policy changes –Avoid waiting for legislation Executive agreements to avoid the Senate Signing statements explain how the president interprets the law

10 Presidential Signing Statements

11 Investigations, Impeachments, and Electoral Pressures Checks on the president –Courts can declare actions of the president unconstitutional –Veto override –Presidents can be impeached –Elections and public opinion

12 Assignments For Friday: Read Bullock & Gaddie, Chapter 6 For Monday: Read Kollman, pp. 225-244 Optional Mid-Term Instructor Evaluation: – –Closes Friday, October 2 at 5pm.

13 Additional Material

14 Administrative Resources White House staff Executive Office of the President –An intermediate layer between the White House staff and the federal bureaucracy –Advises the president on policy –Implements policy and provides Congress with information –OMB is part of the EOP

15 Bureaucratic Institutions in the Obama Administration

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