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2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Presidents Congress Supreme Court.

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Presentation on theme: "2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Presidents Congress Supreme Court."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Presidents Congress Supreme Court Constitutional Facts Key Individuals

2 The President and the Vice President are a part of what branch?

3 The Executive Branch

4 The Vice President of the U.S. is president of what body?

5 The Senate

6 The President assumes duty of office on what month and what day?

7 January 20 th

8 How does the Executive Branch check the Legislative Branch?

9 By vetoing Bills

10 Why was the 22 nd Amendment so important?

11 The 22 nd Amendment limits the presidential terms.

12 Which body has 100 Members?

13 The Senate

14 Which body has 435 Members?

15 The House of Representatives

16 What are the powers of the Senate?

17 Approves presidential appointments, Approves treaties with 2/3rds vote, Act as a jury during an impeachment

18 How does the President limit the powers of Congress?

19 The President can veto laws passed by Congress.

20 What powers are shared between the House & the Senate?

21 Borrow money, coin money, impose & collect taxes, declare war

22 What are qualifications for Supreme Court Justices?


24 How long are the terms for Supreme Court Justices?

25 Life terms

26 What is the duty of the Judicial Branch?

27 Judge the constitutionality of laws

28 How many justices are there in the Supreme Court?


30 How does the judicial branch check the legislative and executive branches?

31 By declaring laws unconstitutional

32 When was the Bill of Rights ratified?

33 December 15 th, 1791

34 How many Amendments are there?

35 27 Amendments

36 Why is the 22 nd Amendment so important?

37 It limits presidential terms to two 4 year terms.

38 What Congressional District do you live in?

39 District # 2

40 Who officially elects the President of the U.S.?

41 The Electoral College

42 Who is your representative in Congressional District #2?

43 Who is your representative in Congressional District #2? Jesse Jackson Jr.

44 Who are the two Senators from Illinois?

45 Dick Durbin & Mark Kirk

46 Who is the Vice President of the United States?

47 Joe Biden

48 Who was President of the Constitutional Convention?

49 George Washington

50 In which state was Barack Obama born?

51 Hawaii

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