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Verbals usually defined as a word that is formed from a verb but is used as an adjective, an adverb, or a noun. The three types of verbals are: participle.

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Presentation on theme: "Verbals usually defined as a word that is formed from a verb but is used as an adjective, an adverb, or a noun. The three types of verbals are: participle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verbals usually defined as a word that is formed from a verb but is used as an adjective, an adverb, or a noun. The three types of verbals are: participle gerund infinitive

2 Participles A verb that functions as an adjective They modify nouns and pronouns (just like a regular adjective)

3 There are two kinds are participles: Present ends in -ing alone cannot be a verb can be part of a verb phrase if preceded by helping verb Past -usually ends with -d, - ed, -t, or -n

4 Choose the correct participle in the sentence given. The shaken passengers talked about their escape. A)their B)shaken

5 Choose the participle in the sentence. The crying students cowered at the long-term substitute teacher. A.Long-term B.Substitute C.Crying D.Students

6 Choose the participle in the given sentence. We can never replace the destroyed documents. A)replace B)destroyed

7 Participial Phrase Participle plus its modifiers and complements Example: I heard him whispering to his friends.

8 Choose the participial phrase in the sentence Climbing the tree, the monkey soon disappeared into the topmost branches. A)disappeared into the topmost branches B)climbing the tree

9 Choose the participial phrase in the sentence. The concert scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed until next week. A)Scheduled for tomorrow B)Postponed until next week

10 Choose the participial phrase in the sentence. A special safety film will be shown to the students taking drivers education. A)shown to the students B) taking drivers education

11 Choose the participial phrase Running down the street, Joey tripped and fell. A)Running down the street B)tripped and fell

12 Gerund -a verb form ending in –ing that acts as a noun examples: Jogging is not recommended for everyone. Many people dread dieting. My most unusual experience was falling. (how are these used as nouns?)

13 Choose the gerund in the sentence then identify how it is used. You need to wear sturdy, well-fitting shoes for hiking. A)Subject B)Direct Object C)Indirect Object D)Object of Preposition

14 Choose the gerund in the sentence then identify how it is used. Violet’s first love is swimming. A)D.O. B)I.O. C)PN D)PA E)OP

15 Gerund Phrase consists of a gerund and its modifiers Examples: The constant dripping of the faucet is most distracting. My most unusual experience was falling into a vat of mayonnaise.

16 Identify the gerund phrase in the sentence and how it is used. The photographer tried adjusting the shutter. A)I.O. B)D.O. C)PN D)PA E)OP

17 Identify the gerund phrase in the sentence and how it is used. You might get in trouble for faking an illness to avoid school. A)D.O. B)I.O. C)OP D)PA

18 Infinitive A verb form that usually begins with “to” and functions as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. **Do NOT confuse an infinitive (to + verb form) with a prepositional phrase (to + noun or pronoun)**

19 Identify the infinitive in the sentence. To leave was a difficult decision. A)D.O. B)PA C)PN D)S

20 Identify the infinitive in the sentence. We need a place to stay. A)Noun B)Adjective C)Adverb Everyone stood to stretch. A)Noun B)Adjective C)Adverb

21 Infinitive Phrase consists of an infinitive, its modifiers, and its complements. Examples: We packed sandwiches to eat on the bus. Firefighters have to practice daily.

22 Identify the infinitive phrase in the sentence provided. This is the soap to make your dingy wash dazzling once again. A)Noun B)Adjective C)Adverb

23 Identify the infinitive phrase in the sentence provided. Chris exercised to build up his endurance for the hike. A)Noun B)Adjective C)Adverb

24 Appositives A noun or a pronoun that precedes another noun or pronoun to identify or clarify it. *many times an appositive is set off by commas* Mrs. Hallfrisch, the teacher, loved her sophomores. His daughter Karen is a tennis player.

25 Appositive Phrases consists of an appositive and its modifiers (may include prepositional phrases) New Ulm, the greatest city in Minnesota, is where my house is located. Dr. Phil, the family therapist, is a crazy man!

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