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Grammar Lesson 1 Four Types: 1. Declarative Sentence – makes a statement and ends with a period. The Beatles are the most influential band in the history.

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar Lesson 1 Four Types: 1. Declarative Sentence – makes a statement and ends with a period. The Beatles are the most influential band in the history."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar Lesson 1 Four Types: 1. Declarative Sentence – makes a statement and ends with a period. The Beatles are the most influential band in the history of music.

2 Grammar Lesson 1 Four Types: 2. Interrogative Sentence – asks a question and ends with a question mark. Are the Beatles the most influential band in the history of music?

3 Grammar Lesson 1 Four Types: 3. Imperative Sentence – expresses a command or a request and ends with a period, or exclamation point if there is strong feeling. Play my Beatles play list so I can settle this!

4 Grammar Lesson 2 Four Types: 4. Exclamatory Sentence – shows excitement or strong feeling and ends with an exclamation point. No way the Beatles are the most influential band in the history of music!

5 Grammar Lesson 1 Do questions 1-4.

6 Grammar Lesson 2 Complete Sentence: Expresses a complete thought Has both a subject and a predicate Students cheered for the basketball team.

7 Grammar Lesson 2 Sentence Fragment: Piece of sentence Lacks a subject, verb or both Fails to tell who/what is doing the action Have subject but don’t know what it’s doing Will win the game. The boys in junior high.

8 Grammar Lesson 2 Run-on Sentence: Two complete thoughts written as one sentence–without proper punctuation. Boys basketball won the championship girls will win it this year.

9 Grammar Lesson 2 Complete questions 5-7

10 Grammar Lesson 3 Diagramming: Simple Subject + Simple Predicate Base Line Subject/Predicate dividing line

11 Grammar Lesson 3 Diagramming: Simple Subject + Simple Predicate wants Joshua wants peace and quiet.

12 Grammar Lesson 3 Diagramming: Simple Subject + Simple Predicate Simple predicate isn’t always an action verb but a state of being (is, was, etc.) – these are the linking verbs

13 Grammar Lesson 3 Diagramming: Simple Subject + Simple Predicate is Jenna is kind.

14 Grammar Lesson 3 Do questions 8-10

15 Grammar Lesson 4 1. Proper – names a specific person, place or thing and requires a capital letter. I love the Beatles! Common nouns within are also capitalized I love Utah State! Do not capitalize the small words though a, an, and, at, but, by, for, from, if, in, into, of, on, the, to, with

16 Grammar Lesson 4 2. Concrete – names a person, place or thing and can be common or proper. ship vs Titanic lake vs Lake Powell

17 Grammar Lesson 4 3. Abstract – names something that cannot be seen or touched, but we can think about. Can be proper or common. day vs. Tuesday holiday vs. Thanksgiving theory vs. The Big Bang Theory

18 Grammar Lesson 4 4. Collective – names a collection or persons, places, animals or things. Can be proper or common. club, Congress, jury, panel, staff, swarm, herd, flock, litter, gaggle, pack United Kingdom, South America, Asia collection, assortment, batch, bunch

19 Grammar Lesson 4 Do questions 11-13.

20 Grammar Lesson 5 Tense = Time Three Verb Tenses = Present, Past, Future Present – now or continuing currently Past – prior to now Future – after the current time

21 Grammar Lesson 5 Present: Happening now Add “s” if the subject is singular (except for I or You) Aiden sings silently. If verb ends in s, x, z, ch or sh then add “es” if subject is singular Nick passes the ball. If verb ends in a consonant+y, change the y to i and add “es” if subject is singular Mr. Randolph parties all summer.

22 Grammar Lesson 5 Past = action that has already occurred Add “ed” to form past tense jumped If 1 syllable and ending in consonant, we double it and added “ed” hopped If ends in e, drop “e” and add “ed” hoped If ends in y, change y to i and add “ed” partied

23 Grammar Lesson 2 Complete questions 14-20

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