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February 28, 2012 Presented By: Eileen Rohan, Superintendent Sean Maher, Network Manager Katie Frank, White Hill Michael Bessonette, Brookside Upper Ron.

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Presentation on theme: "February 28, 2012 Presented By: Eileen Rohan, Superintendent Sean Maher, Network Manager Katie Frank, White Hill Michael Bessonette, Brookside Upper Ron."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 28, 2012 Presented By: Eileen Rohan, Superintendent Sean Maher, Network Manager Katie Frank, White Hill Michael Bessonette, Brookside Upper Ron Garry, Wade Thomas Juan Pommier, White Hill

2 RVSD 2009-12 Education Technology Plan – Review and Share Progress Made Toward Goals Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development Hardware, Learning Resources, Network and Tele- Communications Infrastructure and Tech Support Technology Committee Recommendations The Committee’s Vision of 21 st Century Teaching and Learning Teacher Presentations Open Discussion RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/20122

3 Curriculum, Instruction, Professional Development Infrastructure, Hardware, Technical Support, and Software Funding and Budget Monitoring and Evaluation Effective, Research-Based Methods and Strategies RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/20123

4 Teachers Library Specialists Administrators Parents Community Members RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/20124

5 Instruction Technology Integration Technology Literacy Safe, Secure, Legal and Ethical Use – Awareness Safe, Secure, Legal and Ethical Use – Avoidance Systemized Structure for Attendance and Grades Use of Student Data to Differentiate Instruction Use of Technology to Enhance and Improve Communication Between Home and School RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/20125

6 Staff will become proficient in the same literacy skills required of students Staff will use technology to improve student achievement through data collection, analysis, reporting and data-driven decision making Teachers will be trained in the use of web based communication tools to improve communication with parents RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/20126

7 All K-8 teachers will use technology to improve delivery of instruction, and to assist students in meeting state academic content standards and district curricular goals. – 53% of teachers report a beginning level of technological integration: from never to integrating tech tools from time to time. RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/20127

8 Technology will be integrated into student learning to support reading comprehension and understanding of math, science and history social science, and to increase collaboration and group learning. – Of 99 district wide teacher responses, 31 stated that students never use technology to achieve instructional goals. – 56 reported rarely use technology to achieve instructional goals (1-4 times/quarter), 12 reported regularly (weekly – daily) RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/20128

9 K-8 students will achieve the NCLB goal of being technology literate by 8 th grade. They will develop proficiency with technology skills as outlined in the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS). – Of 99 responses 25 teachers reported that Information Literacy skills were not applicable to their students; – 19 reported their students’ skill’s were not as good as students their age, 49 stated about the same or average, 6 teachers reported above average, and 0 reported excellent. RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/20129

10 We will increase student and teacher awareness of safe, secure, legal and ethical use of the internet and other forms of electronic communication through a Cyber Ethics program of instruction for students. – Of 120 teacher responses, 82 reported intermediate or advanced skills and practice the skills regularly. RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201210

11 We will educate all administrators, teachers and students in grades 3-8 on how to avoid dangerous, inappropriate or unlawful online behavior. – Of 120 teacher responses, 19 have a limited awareness of internet safety skills, 101 reported intermediate to advance skills at practicing internet safety and are able to help students and colleagues in this area. RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201211

12 The district will standardize district wide per period attendance and grade reporting with use of the Aeries systems for attendance and grade reporting. – We are in the 2 nd year of implementing the attendance portion of this goal. RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201212

13 The district will standardize district wide per period attendance and grade reporting with use of the Aeries systems for attendance and grade reporting. – We are in the 3 rd year of implementing the grade reporting portion of this goal. All White Hill teachers actively uses Aeries for grade reporting. Elementary teachers are piloting an electronic version of a standards based report card. RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201213

14 Employ the Data Director system to collect and analyze student data to make assessment more efficient and supportive of teachers’ efforts to meet individual student academic needs. – K-5 teachers are in the first year of implementing the trimester math assessments developed last year utilizing the Data Director system. – White Hill math teachers are in the first year of implementing baseline and end of year assessments utilizing Data Director. RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201214

15 All teachers and administrators will make use of at least one of the following technology tools to enhance and improve communication between home and school: Voicemail, Email, and Web Based Services. – Of the 110 teachers, 75% reported frequent to regular use of two way communication. RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201215

16 Administrators and teachers will become proficient with the same general technology skills, integration skills and information literacy skills required for students. – 86 elementary respondents self-reported skill levels as follows: 22 at beginning or having limited general technology skills, 33 at intermediate, and 31 at advanced levels. – 34 middle school respondents self-reported skill levels as follows: 1 at beginning, 18 at intermediate and 15 at advanced levels. RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201216

17 Administrators and teachers will become proficient with the same general technology skills, integration skills* and information literacy skills required for students. – 66 elementary teachers self-reported skill levels as follows: 37 at beginning or having limited integration skills, 21 at intermediate, and 8 at advanced levels. – 34 middle school teachers self-reported skill levels as follows: 5 have never integrated technology skills, 9 at beginning, 15 at intermediate and 5 at advanced levels. *Integration refers only to classrooms. RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201217

18 Administrators and teachers will become proficient with the same general technology skills, integration skills and information literacy skills required for students. – 86 elementary respondents self-reported skill levels as follows: 25 at beginning or having limited information literacy skills, 35 at intermediate, and 26 at advanced levels. – 34 middle school respondents self-reported skill levels as follows: 3 at beginning, 13 at intermediate and 18 at advanced levels. RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201218

19 The district will use technology to improve student achievement through data collection, analysis, reporting and data-driven decision making. – 66 elementary teachers self-reported skill levels as follows: 7 have never used technology for student record keeping, 33 at beginning, 15 at intermediate, and 11 at advanced levels. – 34 middle school teachers self-reported skill levels as follows: 6 have never used technology for student record keeping, 1 at beginning, 16 at intermediate and 11 at advanced levels. RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201219

20 Our teachers will know how to make use of web based communication tools to improve communications with parents. – 66 elementary teachers self-reported skill levels as follows: 63% have never developed a classroom web page, and 18% have a website and regularly update it. – 34 middle school teachers self-reported skill levels as follows: 41% have never developed a classroom web page, and 32% have a website and regularly update it. RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201220

21 Recommended Actions/ActivitiesProgress Made Replace last sub-baseline computer systemsAll but 15 sub-baseline computers were not upgraded to meet the 2009-12 standard Upgrade storage capacities on all servers. Investigate SAN or other centralized storage technologies. No progress was made towards this item Purchase scanners and data entry systems for Data DirectorA scanner to support trimester assessments was purchased in the 2011-12 school year Purchase Projector/Presenter systems for remaining teachers at all sites Systems were purchased but not installed until the end of the 2010-11 school year Document cameras provided by a parent grant were installed in 95% of classrooms district wide Evaluation of online resources and monitoring of network useThere is no information available Articulate technology needs from K-8 to increase equity of accessThere is no information available Upgrade sub-par network cablingN/A - No Modernization occurred 2009-12 RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201221

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24 Age of Computers 5-10 Years Old344 3-4 Years Old23 0-2 Years Old92 Total Number of Computers:459 RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201224

25 Revisit, expand and articulate a set of student technology skills and performance outcomes (aligned to ISTE NETS standards). Identify and implement professional development for teachers, administrators and parents, on cyber bullying and ethical use of media. Provide professional development for all K-8 teachers and administrators to implement 21 st century teaching and learning skills. RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201225

26 ACCESS to Mobile Technological Tools to Enable Spontaneous Dynamic Learning for All Students and Teachers Project Based Learning Within Collaborative Small Learning Communities (K-8) Teacher Instruction and Student Learning is Shared on a Global Platform Articulate Learning Outcomes to Prepare Students for High School, College and Careers RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201226

27 Michael Bessonette Katie Frank Juan Pommier Ron Garry RVSD Technology Update - 2/28/201227

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