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Health Care in Modern Africa AIDS- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is caused by HIV- Human Immunodeficiency. People with HIV do not necessarily.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Care in Modern Africa AIDS- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is caused by HIV- Human Immunodeficiency. People with HIV do not necessarily."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Care in Modern Africa AIDS- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is caused by HIV- Human Immunodeficiency. People with HIV do not necessarily have AIDS & can carry HIV for years without not knowing it. As a result, AIDS statistics can be misleading.

2 The number of people who have AIDS lags behind those infected with HIV. Some medical geographers predict that the populations of Africa’s worst affected countries could decline by 10 to 20%.


4 The history of Southern Africa involves a blending a colonialism with African cultures & the development of gold-trading empires.

5 Ethnic Clash for Southern Africa As Europeans migrated to Southern Africa in the 1700s & 1800s, their presence led to conflict with Africans.

6 The Policy of Apartheid in South Africa Apartheid: complete separation of the races. In 1948, the white minority government of South Africa instituted a policy of apartheid. – It banned social contract between whites & blacks. – Established segregated schools, hospitals, & neighborhoods.

7 Black males made up 75% of the population but they only received a small percentage of land. The government kept the best land for whites.

8 1912, blacks founded the African National Congress (ANC) to fight for their rights. In 1949, Nelson Mandela emerged as one of the leaders of the ANC. He led a long struggle to end the apartheid that resulted in his being imprisoned.

9 Nelson Mandela

10 By the 1980s, nations around the world –including the US- pressured South Africa to end apartheid. South Africa experienced a peaceful revolution & the government ended its apartheid laws.

11 An election that involved members of all races in South Africa took place in 1994. Mandela won & became president. 1996, the government passed a new, democratic constitution that guarantees the rights of all citizens.

12 Southern Africa Grows Economically The economies of Southern Africa are some of the most advanced in South Africa. But, many countries are struggling to raise the standard of living for blacks, who get the worst jobs, own the least productive land, & attend the worst schools.

13 The policy of apartheid has hurt the economy of South Africa. Foreign nations imposed economic sanctions that prevented their countries from conducting business with or investing in South Africa.

14 One segment of South Africa has an upper-middle-income economy like that of the US. Possesses great cities with huge industrial complexes, such as Johannesburg & Cape Town. Also has modern, mechanized farms & large ranches.

15 South Africa also has poverty stricken rural areas. Shantytowns also fill portions of the cities. The government faces problems arising from unequal land distribution & a severe housing shortage.

16 By 1995, Botswana had become the world’s 3 rd largest diamond producer. Diamonds account for more than 63% of government revenue. But there is uneven distribution of the profits—an issue in many African countries.

17 Approximately 80% of the people work as farmers & never benefit from the diamond revenue. The other 20% grow wealthy from diamond money.

18 Problem-the wealthy people are buying large tracts of land for cattle ranching from poor farm owners. As a result, poor farmers often move to less productive land. Meat production increases, but overall food production actually decreases.

19 Botswana winds up producing only 50% of the food needed to feed its population. The rest must be imported or come from international aid.

20 AIDS Affects Southern Africa By 1999, the most severe AIDS affected countries were in Southern Africa. In Zimbabwe & Botswana, more than 25% of all adults were infected with HIV.

21 Johannesburg About 100 years ago it began as a small mining town & grew because of nearby gold reserves. Today, it has more than 6 million people with many different ethnicities & backgrounds.

22 As a result of the apartheid, Johannesburg developed into 2 different cities. To the north lie spacious suburbs that were once exclusively white. To the south are poor black townships.

23 Modern & Traditional Lifestyles Some ethnic groups of Southern Africa follow more traditional patterns as farmers, traders, or herders. The Zulu either work in menial jobs like mining or cling to their traditional roles as farmers or metalworkers. The Zulu have a long tradition of making spears, axes, & other tools and weapons.

24 Zulu Tribe

25 Egypt faces environmental challenges caused by water. Egyptians tried to control the floodwaters of the Nile throughout history. Egyptians built the 1 st Aswan Dam in 1902.

26 Four miles upriver from the 1 st Aswan Dam, the Egyptians cut a huge channel through the land beside the Nile River. The builders used the rocks from the channel as a base for their new creation—the Aswan High Dam, which was completed in 1970.

27 Lake Nasser, which Egypt shares with Sudan, is the artificial lake created behind the dam. It stretches nearly 300 miles!

28 The dam gives farmers a regular supply of water. It holds the Nile’s floodwaters, releasing them as needed so that farmers can use the water effectively for irrigation.


30 As a result of the dam, farmers can have 2 or 3 harvests per year. The dam has increased Egypt’s farmable land by 50%. The dam has also helped Egypt avoid droughts & floods.

31 Problems With the Dam During the dam’s construction, many people had to be relocated. The dam decreased the fertility of the soil around the Nile. The river no longer deposits its rich silt or sediment on the farmland. Farmers must now rely on expensive fertilizers to enrich the soil.

32 Rates of malaria & other diseases have increased due to greater numbers of mosquitoes, which thrive on the still waters of Lake Nasser & the irrigation canals.

33 Colonization Disrupts Africa In the 19 th century, Europe’s industrialized nations became interested in Africa’s raw materials. They wanted to colonize & control parts of Africa to obtain the resources.

34 Scramble for Africa Europeans did not want to fight over Africa. To prevent wars, 14 European nations convened the Berlin Conference. Berlin Conference-in 1884-1885 to lay down the rules for dividing Africa.

35 No African ruler was invited to attend this conference, even though it concerned Africa’s land & people. By 1914, only Liberia & Ethiopia remained free of European control.

36 Nations that attended the conference decided that any European country could claim land in Africa by telling other nations of their claims & showing they could control the area.

37 The European nations divided Africa without regard to where African ethnic or linguistic groups lived. They set boundaries that combined peoples who were traditional enemies & divided others who were not.

38 Europe’s division of Africa is often cited as one of the root causes of the political violence & ethnic conflicts in Africa in the 20 th century.

39 During the Europeans 19 th & 20 th Century colonization of Africa’s countries, Ethiopian emperor Menelik II protected his country from takeover by the Italians. Ethiopia, in 1896, defeated Italy’s attempted armed takeover by fighting back with their own arms that had been provided, in part, by the French.

40 Conflict in East Africa By the 1970s, most of East Africa has regained its independence from Europe. Internal disputes & civil wars became a serious problem.

41 One problem was that European colonial powers had not prepared East African nations for independence. Ethnic boundaries created by the Europeans forced cultural divisions that had not existed before colonialism.

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