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Gender and Development

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1 Gender and Development
AP Human Geography

2 Why Does Development Vary by Gender?
A process of improvement in the material conditions of people through diffusion of knowledge and technology Sign of development? Equality between men & women

3 The UN has not found a single country in the world
In an MDC, women … Have more education Make more money Have more decision making power In an LDC… you have the opposite The UN has not found a single country in the world where women are treated as well as men.

4 the greater the inequality
Measuring Gender Inequality Gender Inequality Index (GII) Empowerment The higher the GII, the greater the inequality Labor Force 0 = men & women equal 1.0 = women fare as poorly as possible Reproductive Health


6 Write down 3 facts that you can take away from looking at this map

7 What type of map is this? Write down 2 facts that you can take away from looking at this map

8 Empowerment The ability of women to achieve
improvements in their own status (To achieve economic & political power) Empowerment The percentage of seats held by women in the national legislature. No countries with female majorities Highest % Europe (~25%) Lowest % SW Asia, Africa USA: 17% *below many developing regions


10 2. The percentage of women who have completed high school.
North America: girls more likely than boys to complete HS Europe: Boys slightly ahead Developing Countries: 10 boys: 8 girls South Asia: 10 boys: 5 girls

11 Labor Force Generalization:
Labor Force Participation Rate Percentage of women holding full time jobs outside the home Generalization: Women in developed countries more likely to hold F/T jobs Developed 100 males: 75 females Developing 100:65 Lowest Rates SW Asia & N. Africa 100:35 Highest Rates Sub Saharan Africa 100:77

12 Maternal Mortality Rate Adolescent Fertility Rate
Reproductive Health Maternal Mortality Rate # of women who die in childbirth per 100,000 births Developed 15 deaths: 100,000 births Developing 140: 100,000 Sub Saharan Africa 150,000 women & 1.6 million children die each year between onset of labor & 48 hours post Adolescent Fertility Rate # of births per 1,000 women aged 15-19 Developed 20 births: 1,000 women Developing 60: 1,000 Lowest Europe (8: 1,000) Highest Sub Saharan Africa (exceeds 100: 1,000)


14 How is this a correlation to the Gender Inequality Index?
Women in developing regions are more likely to die in childbirth and give birth as teenagers. How is this a correlation to the Gender Inequality Index?

15 A Day in the Life of Haitza Ortiz
Southern Sudan: Changing the Odds for Girls

16 The Powerful Truth What Are You Carrying?

17 In nearly every country, there has been a decline in gender inequality since the 1990s.
The Exception? Greatest Improvements : SW Asia & N. Africa

18 Countries with high HDI’s (Human Development Index) have low GII’s…
Generalization Countries with high HDI’s (Human Development Index) have low GII’s… Not the United States HDI ranked 4th GII ranked 47 (an increase since 1990s) WHY?

19 .021 .299 .733


21 So how do we fix this? Pink and Blue: Communicating Gender to Children (TED) Always #LIKEAGIRL

22 Measuring Gender Equality
Gender-Related Development Index (GDI) Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) Same measures as HDI, but centered on gender. Economic Per capita income M vs. F Education Females in school vs. Males in school % literate females vs. % literate males Health Life ex. of females vs. males Measures the ability of women to participate in the process of improvement. Economic Per capita income M vs. F % of women professional/ technical jobs Political % of admin. jobs held by women % of women in national parliament

23 Global GDI

24 Income

25 Education FIGURE 9-19

26 Global GEM

27 Seats in Parliament

28 Additional Resources Population Education Amazing website for lesson ideas related to population. A Girl’s Life Lesson Plan The inequities of women affect population growth and quality of life for all. A Woman’s Place Lesson Plan The status of women influences fertility rates and therefore the rate of population growth. UNGEI: United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative

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