Master Teacher Program Fall 2009. House Bill 1 Changes to Master Teacher Program –Eliminates EMIS report until 2011 Form I deleted Removes December timeline.

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Presentation on theme: "Master Teacher Program Fall 2009. House Bill 1 Changes to Master Teacher Program –Eliminates EMIS report until 2011 Form I deleted Removes December timeline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Master Teacher Program Fall 2009

2 House Bill 1 Changes to Master Teacher Program –Eliminates EMIS report until 2011 Form I deleted Removes December timeline of completing process every year –Program aligns with new licensure structure effective 2011 –Program remains the same. Teachers who attain Master Teacher status will be eligible for an advanced license.

3 Senate Bill 2 Senate Bill 2 put into law many of the recommendations made by the Governor’s Commission on Teaching Success Called for the creation of the Educator Standards Board  Required the development of a definition and criteria for Master Teacher that can be used uniformly by all districts

4 Licensure Structure Resident Educator License – 4 year Professional Educator License – 5 year Senior Professional Educator License – 5 year Lead Educator License – 5 year

5 Goals for Master Teacher Program –Clearly define a process and scoring guide to ensure consistency across the state –Build a pool of designated teachers for leadership opportunities Master Teacher

6 Master Teacher Program Development of Process for Consistency Create common definition and criteria based on the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Ohio Standards for Professional Development Create a statewide application process, procedures, scoring guide and supplemental materials

7 Forms The following slides will explain the forms used to support the Master Teacher Program.

8 A. Master Teacher Definition A master teacher demonstrates excellence inside and outside of the classroom through consistent leadership and focused collaboration to maximize student learning. A master teacher strives for distinguished teaching and continued professional growth as specified by Standards for Ohio Educators.

9 1.Consistent Leadership 2.Focused Collaboration 3.Distinguished Teaching – Focus on Students and Environment 4.Distinguished Teaching - Focus on Content, Instruction and Assessment 5.Continued Professional Growth A. Master Teacher Criteria

10 B. Master Teacher Processes and Procedures Eligibility requirements –Professional license/certificate –Taught 7 years –Work a minimum of 120 days –Work under a teaching contract

11 District requirements Establish district level committee consisting of 5 members (majority teachers) will be assembled to facilitate the process Assist with confirmation of eligibility and communication Provide teachers with the opportunity to obtain an advanced level license B. Master Teacher Processes and Procedures

12 Committee Requirements: –Work with district to confirm eligibility, communication processes and timelines –Determine local procedures for review of applications and designation using state designed forms and rubrics –Establish formatting, assembling and submitting requirements –Minimum 2 members to score each application –Provide feedback to candidate –Maintain records (application and scores) –Inform LPDC of Teachers who were successful with the Master Teacher Program

13 C. Master Teacher Application Four sections: 1.The candidate information 2.The writing and evidence guidelines 12 pages of narrative supporting the five criteria 10 pieces for supporting evidence

14 C. Master Teacher Application 3. The prompts for the written narrative –References Ohio’s teaching and professional development standards 4. Summary of the scoring process –Exemplary in four of the five areas

15 D. Master Teacher Scoring Guide Standards Based rubric Minimum two people score each candidate’s submission Consider responses within the context of your district

16 D. Sample of Scoring Guide Criterion A 2 pts. Each (3 indicators) 1 point each0 points eachScore for item 7.3 c: The teacher takes leadership roles in department, school, district state and professional organizations’ decision making activities, such as curriculum development, staff development or policy design. The teacher acts in leadership roles that are narrow in scope and are limited. The teacher participates in meetings that are required. Total Score ___of 6 5-6 exemplary 3-4 adequate 0-2 area for growth

17 E. Master Teacher Accomplishment –Aligns with licensure structure –Recognized as an advanced licensure requirement –Teachers may re-apply when the license expires –Candidates not designated in a given year may re-apply the following year

18 F.Master Teacher Candidate Score Report Copy provided to candidate Includes written feedback Signed by committee chair Original kept on file by committee

19 G. Master Teacher Recommendation Form Two forms submitted with each candidate’s application Recommendations from colleagues and/or supervisors familiar with the candidate’s professional practice

20 H. Candidate’s Checklist for Submission of Materials Organization tool for candidates If NBCT, OTOY or PAEMST candidate needs to attach a copy of certification or award – until 2011 –In 2011 NBCT’s will be eligible for the Lead License per legislation

21 Additional Support Material J. Writing and Evidence Guidelines. –Provides further guidance for candidates K. Examples of Evidence –Springboard for ideas to submit as evidence L. One page version of the Standards for Teachers and Professional Development standards

22 Additional Considerations Facilitator to help guide candidates through process Smaller districts partnering with other districts for scoring (consortium) Leadership opportunities for designated teachers

23 Additional Information All forms are on ODE Web site Training sessions will resume Spring of 2010, once new licensure rules have been established.

24 What does this mean to my District? If you have an established MT program, continue to run program. It will build capacity for teachers to be eligible for the advanced licenses in 2011. If you have not established program, the district can continue to work on putting the program in place for teachers to be eligible for the advanced licenses in 2011.

25 Contact Information The MT program and forms can be found: OR Keyword search: master teacher Julia Simmerer, Director Sharon Flinders, Administrative Assistant Office of Educator Standards Ohio Department of Education (614) 752-8996

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