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Sept 03:  About ~80 patches are installed, all in the periphery of Outer section:  C-side: voltage control / distribution boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 (partially)

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Presentation on theme: "Sept 03:  About ~80 patches are installed, all in the periphery of Outer section:  C-side: voltage control / distribution boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 (partially)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sept 03:  About ~80 patches are installed, all in the periphery of Outer section:  C-side: voltage control / distribution boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 (partially) except for 2 lines:  O 11/32..57 – bad patch, removed after first MV switching ON  O 14/32..57 – patch is missing? to be checked…  A-side: voltage control / distribution boxes 32, 31, 30, 29, 25  Also: for 2 LED groups on A-side RJ-45 trigger cables are reconnected to spare LEDTSB sockets. Reason: each of them had absent signal in one LED The LED timing for these groups has to be re-adjusted  Also: all operational cells, masked to fight “noisy” lines, are unmasked back (i.e. nominal PM HV values in DB are recovered) – 31 cell in total  Afterwards following data samples are taken:  LED reference sample (20K of events) at MV=60V (nominal PM HV/LED LV)  LED reference sample (20K of events) at MV=80V(nominal PM HV/LED LV)  LED intensities scan to tune LED intensity settings for the cells served by the “patched” lines  Time scan: 26 points / 800 events per point (nominal PM HV/LED LV) ECAL status-I 08 Sept 2008

2 ECAL status-II 08 Sept 2008 LED amp(60V) / LED amp (80V) Different z-scale “Patched” areas 2 Led groups

3 ECAL status-III 08 Sept 2008 LED r.m.s.: no noisy lines in the patched areas! (gives certain hope, that this problem will be also solved) LED r.m.s. (ADC counts), MV = 80V

4 ECAL status-IV 08 Sept 2008 In comparison with LED data, taken before patches installation: most of patched lines show significant decrease of amplitude. Nominal LED intensity settings in DB are increased to compensate this effect. “Patched” lines, where amplitude did not change – the ones, where no dependence on MV was observed… LED amplitude (32087) / LED amplitude (30711) LEDpos(50V)/LEDpos(80V) (Old plot from 26 Aug meeting)

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