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Presentation on theme: "DESIGN OF THE HATCH OF THE INSTRUMENT BOOTH OF EUSO-BALLOON version v1.2 Writer : SYLVIE DAGORET- CAMPAGNE Final tests and Health tests1"— Presentation transcript:


2 Purpose of the hatch The hatch is a kind of box of 17 cm x 17 cm x 6 cm inside the top wall of the Instrument Booth. During final tests and health tests the electronics of the internal booth is connected to external equipment to shunt : SIREN which may not be available Batteries to spare the cells Last checking tests are done to be sure the whole detector works as expected. Final tests and Health tests2 Hatch open

3 Hatch closed For the flight, the cables to external equipments are removed, SIREN is installed definitely inside the IB, the connectors are plugged with the terminal plugs, the hatch box is closed. The instrument works with SIREN and its own battery The whole instrument booth (IB) has to be kept totally watertight even if splash fall in water Final tests and Health tests3 Hatch closed

4 Cables having to pass through the hatch The cables from both side are connected through a series of feedthrough connectors passing through the wall of the hatch box. During the tests the active subsystems of IB are connected to the external equipments and for flight, the external cables are removed, the internal cables are kept in place and the feedthrough connectors inside the hatch box is ended by plugs. Final tests and Health tests4

5 List of feedthrough namesubsystemequipmenttypecomment LEDLedStabilised voltage supply Lemo or BNCFS illumination PM AnodeExt PMScopeLemo or BNCLight leakage PM HVExt PMHVBNC PDM-BPDM-B IntPC-USB-PDMUSB2 CPU-ExtTrigCPUTrigger generator Lemo or BNC CPU-EthCPUPC-Ethernet- CPU DB9 SIREN-EthSIRENDB9In flight Loop back toward CPU- Eth SIREN- RS232/422 SIRENDB9In flight loop back HK RS422 SIREN-Open Drain SIRENLemo or BNCIn flight loop back LVPS-HK LVPS-HK Open Drain LVPS-HKSignal generator ? TBC Lemo or BNC HK-RS422HKPC-RS422-CPUDB9 PWP 28 V Power supply MicroSUBD25 Allow to switch between external geenrator and batteries Motor Motor CpntrolSUBD25 TBD Final tests and Health tests5

6 LED PDM-B NI HATCH BOX BNC USB CPU External Trig Ethernet DB9 SIREN Ethernet RS232 Open Drain Computer PDM Soft LED Power supply BNC plug Ext Trig Computer DP Soft DB9 LVPS-HK Open Drain RS232/ RS422 DB9 HK RS422 Instrument booth BNC plug Computer HK Soft Analog Turn ON External Test equipment SUBD-25 Batteries SUBD-25 plug External Power Supply 28 V, 5 Amp 6 Motor SubD25 Motor control Ext PM BNC SHV BNC PM HV Scope

7 LED PDM-B NI HATCH BOX BNC USB CPU External Trig Ethernet DB9 SIREN Ethernet RS232 Open Drain BNC plug DB9 LVPS-HK Open Drain RS232/ RS422 DB9 HK RS422 Instrument booth BNC plug IN Flight SUBD-25 Batteries SUBD-25 7 Motor subD25SubD25 Ext PM BNC SHV BNC plug

8 Hatch Panel Design Final tests and Health tests8

9 BACKUP Final tests and Health tests9

10 LED For Final Tests and Health Tests: This is to put a stabilised voltage for pulsing with photons the PDM FS. The feedthough has to be of good quality to avoid water entering inside the instrument. Integrating sphere optional Final tests and Health tests10

11 External PMT For Final Tests : The purpose is to check there is no light leakage inside the Instrument booth. Need to feed the voltage divider by HV (BNC-SHV) Need to read the anode with lemo/BNC May be kept in-situe for health test to check LED is pulsing correctly Final tests and Health tests11

12 PDM-B This is to read the PDM-B directly on a PC to perform special studies that shunt the DP. This is optional but probably usefull for debugging during final tests (not health tests). It is possible to select the Data Output of the PDM-B by a command from DP. This requires to have the NI inside the IB (instrument booth). The question is can we find a watertight USB plug for flight Final tests and Health tests12

13 CPU Ethernet To be watertight the usual RJ45 Ethernet connector will not be used. We should use a DB9 feedthrough. In Flight : A plug DB9 is used to loop back to SIREN Ethernet. External Trigger For final tests, like PDM-FS position adjustment with a motor, the CPU- DAQ is triggered externally A BNC/lemo is proposed with the most watertight solution proposed. Final tests and Health tests13

14 HK RS422 : We will use a DB9 feedthrough (watertight). In Flight : A plug DB9 is used to loop back to SIREN RS422/RS232. Final tests and Health tests14

15 LVPS-HK This is the port through which the instrument start to be turned on. This is an analog signal on open drain from a dedicated SIREN output. The proposed connection is through BNC/lemo (depending on watertightness) This connection is doubled to loop back from SIREN to LVPS HK during the flight Final tests and Health tests15

16 Motor DB25 connector is enough Final tests and Health tests16

17 Open points The hatch panel has still to be confirmed in the 15th meeting The choice of the feedthrough has to be done according compromises on: – Price/ connector quality – Full Water tightness for sea landing – Reusability during the same flight campaign No idea about the turn on off HVPS ? Final tests and Health tests17

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