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Do Now 1/5 Respond to the following prompt in your writing section. You should be writing until I tell you to stop! Be prepared to share. If you could.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 1/5 Respond to the following prompt in your writing section. You should be writing until I tell you to stop! Be prepared to share. If you could."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 1/5 Respond to the following prompt in your writing section. You should be writing until I tell you to stop! Be prepared to share. If you could do something you have never done before, what would it be and why would you want to do it?

2 “Building” Vocabulary Prefix: beginning of a word Root: main/middle part of a word Suffix: ending of a word *Each part of a word has a specific meaning and can help you “break down” the word and guess the definition

3 “Ad-” Prefix Means to, toward, add to Often appears as words beginning in “A” plus a double consonant Aggressive, attractive, addictive, etc.

4 Vocabulary Worksheets As we complete these worksheets, if you encounter an unfamiliar word, create an index card for this word (word, definition, sentence, image) You can and should use a dictionary!

5 Complete First 3 Worksheets Divide and Conquer For 6-10, use the meaning of the root word to guess the meaning of the word For 1-5, use the definition of the word to guess the meaning of the root word (look words up in the dictionary if you do not know from prior knowledge) Solving Riddles Advertisement Wordo * we will do this together

6 Sixteen Square Wordo! Fill in your Wordo boards in any random order There is no free space One word will not be used 1. Aggressor 2. Attractive 3. Addictive 4. Attenuate 5. Append 6. Accelerate 7. Abbreviate 8. Access 9. Annihilate 10. Appreciate 11. Alleviate 12. Alliteration 13. Annotated 14. Affirm 15. Attribute 16. Aggrandize 17. Attest

7 Vocabulary Charades Draw a word Work with a partner to “act out” this word See if your classmates can guess what word you are acting out

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