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Introduction to Vocabulary Skills English I Honors Mr. Popovich.

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1 Introduction to Vocabulary Skills English I Honors Mr. Popovich

2 What are vocabulary skills? How do we learn vocabulary lists? How do we develop vocabulary through reading?

3 What are vocabulary skills? The skills needed to help us recognize and use new words in meaningful ways. They include: Using a dictionary Learning vocabulary lists Developing vocabulary through reading Developing vocabulary through writing

4 How do we learn vocabulary lists? We will use a three-step process: Step One: Preview each word ▫Rate how much you know about each word ▫“Switch on” the Reticular Activating System  Listen to this explanation of the RAS

5 How do we learn vocabulary lists? We will use a three-step process: Step Two: Guess the meaning ▫Use your previous knowledge ▫Use prefixes, suffixes, and roots** ▫Use context clues to help you guess  More about context clues shortly…

6 How do we learn vocabulary lists? We will use a three-step process: Step Three: Look up the word ▫Use a dictionary after you guess ▫Pay attention to multiple definitions ▫Make a note of the possible derivations ▫Make a note of the etymology of the word***

7 Activity One: Preview For each of the words on Vocabulary List #2, rate how much you know about the word. Use the following scale: 0= I have never heard/seen the word before 1= I have heard/seen the word before, but I have no or little idea what it means 2= I think I know what the word means, but I am not 100% sure I can define it 3= I know exactly what the word means

8 What are context clues? They are hints about the meaning of a new word that are provided within a sentence. There are five types of context clues (handout). Type One: Definition/Restatement ▫Sometimes a sentence defines an unfamiliar word; sometimes it restates it in slightly different words. What does the word idiom mean? What does the word disrespectful mean?

9 What are context clues? There are five types of context clues (handout). Type Two: Explanation/Example ▫Sometimes a sentence explains an unfamiliar word; sometimes it gives examples of it. What does the word somnolent mean? What does the word celestial mean?

10 What are context clues? There are five types of context clues (handout). Type Three: Synonyms/Antonyms ▫Sometimes a sentence gives a synonym for a word; sometimes it gives an antonym. What does the word fallacious mean? What does the word vociferous mean?

11 What are context clues? There are five types of context clues (handout). Type Four: Comparison/Contrast ▫Sometimes a sentence compares a word to something; sometimes it contrasts the word. What does the word cohort mean? What does the word futile mean?

12 What are context clues? There are five types of context clues (handout). Type Five: Cause/Effect ▫Sometimes a sentence describes how one thing can lead to another (i.e. how a cause leads to an effect). What does the word intrepid mean? What does the word sage mean?

13 Activity Two: Guess For each of the words in Vocabulary List #1, use Context Clues to guess at the meaning. With a partner, identify the type of context clue (Step Two: back of handout) Then guess at the meaning of each word (front of handout) FOR HOMEWORK: Define each word (according to directions) and identify the derivatives.

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