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PSFRP Pakistan Settlement Flood Recovery Project Planned Trainings for the Communities Presentation to HERWG, 03. August 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "PSFRP Pakistan Settlement Flood Recovery Project Planned Trainings for the Communities Presentation to HERWG, 03. August 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSFRP Pakistan Settlement Flood Recovery Project Planned Trainings for the Communities Presentation to HERWG, 03. August 2011

2 2 Overview of trainings for PSFRP Seven types of trainings in the next months General objective To strengthen capacity of the communities in 1.Management: to ensure the proper project 2.DRR-Awareness: to ensure sustainability 3.Technical: to ensure skilled know-how 9 th HERWG Meeting, Islamabad 03.08.2011

3 3 Overview of trainings for PSFRP 2 special trainings each targeted focus group 1.CBO: Board and 1 of each sub-committee 2.Village focal persons: teacher, elderly 3.Skilled and semi skilled workers, artisans In collaboration with UNESCO and TEVTA (approval) 9 th HERWG Meeting, Islamabad 13.07.2011

4 4 Overview of trainings for PSFRP Focused capacities to ensure defined objectives; 1.Management skills to lead the CBO project 2.Rise awareness to ensure sustainability 3.Know-how to ensure improved construction 9 th HERWG Meeting, Islamabad 03.08.2011

5 5 Overview of trainings for PSFRP 1. Management, Procurement, Record keeping  For: CBO president, treasury. Committees  On: Project management skills  To: Qualified, correct CBO Implementation  By: UN-HABITAT Field Team, 2 days  Manual prepared, Field Teams trained in ISB 9 th HERWG Meeting, Islamabad 03.08.2011

6 HERWG, 03.08.2011 6

7 7 Overview of trainings for PSFRP 2. Social Audit & Project Maintenance  For: CBO president, treasury. 1/committees  On: Accountability, progress, maintenance  To: endure sustainability of project  By: UN-HABITAT Field Coord., 1 day, at end  Manual already prepared 9 th HERWG Meeting, Islamabad 03.08.2011

8 HERWG, 03.08.2011 8 2. Social Audit & Project Maintenance

9 9 Overview of trainings for PSFRP 3. Community Based Disaster Risk Management  For: Focal persons (e.g. VRC, elders, teacher  On: Info on Disaster Risk Reduction Measures  To: Rise the awareness of the community  By: UN-HABITAT Social Mobilizers, 2 days  Manual in preparation 9 th HERWG Meeting, Islamabad 03.08.2011

10 HERWG, 03.08.2011 10 3. Community Based Disaster Risk Management

11 11 Overview of trainings for PSFRP 4. Artisan Disaster Risk Reduction Training  For: Artisans, village focal persons  On: DRR mitigation measures to reduce impact  To: be ready to implement DRR measues  By: UN-HABITAT engineers, 2 to 3 days  Manual in preparation 9 th HERWG Meeting, Islamabad 03.08.2011

12 Basic Technical Training More than 200,000 trained

13 13 Overview of trainings for PSFRP 5. Technical Skill Development Training  For: Skilled masons leading implementation  On: Technical methods “How to Build Back Better”  To: Share Know-How; Train semi skilled labor  By: UNESCO Trainer, with UN-HABITAT  Manual submitted to TEVTA for approval 9 th HERWG Meeting, Islamabad 03.08.2011

14 HERWG, 03.08.2011 14 5. Technical Skill Development Training

15 15 Overview of trainings for PSFRP 6. Skill Development (on job training, apprentiship)  For: Semi-skilled workers  Construction methods “How to Build Back Better”  To: construct f. extrem. vulnerable, become skilled  By: Master masons (UN-HABITAT), 20 days  Manual submitted to TEVTA for approval 9 th HERWG Meeting, Islamabad 03.08.2011

16 HERWG, 03.08.2011 16 6. Skill Development (on job training)

17 17 Overview of trainings for PSFRP General points in common to all trainings: 1.As part of the implementation of the PSFRP 2.In the community for the community 3.Supported by a training material (e.g. manual) 4.But: direct application on the job 5.In coordination with Pakistan Vocational Authorities 6.Integrated approach = Sustainable Recovery 9 th HERWG Meeting, Islamabad 03.08.2011

18 18 HERWG UPDATED GAP ANALYSIS 9 th HERWG Meeting, Islamabad 13.07.2011

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