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WINTER Template 01 to Introduction Cyber Safety Introduced by Donna Cobrin.

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Presentation on theme: "WINTER Template 01 to Introduction Cyber Safety Introduced by Donna Cobrin."— Presentation transcript:

1 WINTER Template 01 to Introduction Cyber Safety Introduced by Donna Cobrin

2 02 Lets remind ourselves why we need security! Security! Why bother? 1. Damage to reputation / image 2. Damage to computer 3. Physical safety

3 03

4 Using Nicknames 04 When to use your real name? –For friends, family and by those that you have met in real life. Nicknames –Make them ambiguous, fun, doesn’t have to be of the same gender, fictional… etc. –You can be anyone you want to be, but don’t pass yourself off as someone else.

5 05 Passwords Passwords need to be strong, hackers use words from dictionaries, no matter the language or theme. Including sports lingo, text/computer language and so on.

6 06 Passwords We need a new password for each login. Lets put a new spin on how to remember passwords 1.Lets think of a theme or subject! 2.Think of short sentences based around our theme. 3.Take the 3 consonants or Initials from the sentence E.g. Song: Sugar Babes - A b out y ou N ow 4.Add your favourite number(s) (not your age or date of birth) E.g. byN05 (This is your base password) 5.Add either the first 3 letters of the name of the site e.g. becomes byN05Gri 6.Add symbols to make it stronger {byN05Gri} How am I going to remember all my passwords? It’s good to mix in upper and lowercase letters

7 Themes Games Cars Films Music Hobbies Seasons Song The choice is yours … Choose a phrase from our theme Games Fifa 08 Super Marios Bros High School Musical Songs: About you now. Rihanna’s Umbrella. Film The Golden Compass Stardust Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. 07

8 If you haven’t met someone in real life it is best to keep these friendships online only. People online may be nice and trustworthy, but then again they may not be. 08 Remember

9 Make sure you look out for your friends and remind them to be careful. Pass the word. Tell your mates not to put too much info in their blog or IM profiles and never arrange to meet up with anyone you've been chatting to. 09 If anyone ever asks you to meet in person, tell a trusted adult straight away.

10 Never give out… Think secret identity! This includes your full name, date of birth, address, phone numbers or school. It’s ok to tell someone what city or county you live in, as long as you don’t include anything else. Switch off webcam’s, images can be falsified. Never send a picture to anyone you don’t know in the real world 10 If anyone ever asks for information about you, tell a trusted adult straight away. Any personal information about yourself.

11 Emails If you don’t know who it’s from don't open it. Delete it immediately. Same with attachments. Delete it! Remember NO personal information. Talk to a teacher/techy to show you how to run anti-virus, and spam filtering. Finally, but equally as important make sure you have a working Firewall protecting your computer. 11


13 Have fun, Be Safe. The End.


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