Green words go in the “Government Chapter”.  There were rulers who oversaw the cities  They had the first set of laws  Why did they suddenly need laws?

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Presentation on theme: "Green words go in the “Government Chapter”.  There were rulers who oversaw the cities  They had the first set of laws  Why did they suddenly need laws?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Green words go in the “Government Chapter”

2  There were rulers who oversaw the cities  They had the first set of laws  Why did they suddenly need laws?

3  There were rulers who oversaw the cities  They had the first set of laws  Why did they suddenly need laws?  Large # of people, a civilization could fall because of the actions of its people, didn’t know who to trust

4  Sargon- 2350 BC, Akkadian Empire, first empire! Kept an army, collected taxes and tributes, used force, eventually the empire fell

5  Hammurabi- 1790 BC, king of Babylonian empire, united the people, tried to stay fair, he said “so that the strong should not harm the weak”

6  Code of Hammurabi- 282 laws, eye for an eye

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