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Volunteer Registration… eAYSO for CVPA National eAYSO Commission 2013 Section Meetings.

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteer Registration… eAYSO for CVPA National eAYSO Commission 2013 Section Meetings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteer Registration… eAYSO for CVPA National eAYSO Commission 2013 Section Meetings

2 What We Will Learn Volunteer Registration Custom Positions Assign Volunteer Positions Volunteer Merge Volunteer related Reports 2

3 Volunteer Menu Options 3

4 Registering = Accepting Applications 3 ways a Volunteer can file an application The method used impacts the volunteer’s ability to access eAYSO and his data. 1. Blank Paper form- data entered into eAYSO by Registrar, or CVPA parent has no data access. 2. Preprinted form obtained from National office, same data access limits as above. 3. Volunteer creates account in eAYSO and completes application online. Then has access to eAYSO to update data and use other features. NO LONGER will a Vol be able to complete an online Application without creating an account (i.e. logon and password) 4

5 Volunteer Registration Grid Cannot Delete Volunteers Filter Options NEW For eSign Regions

6 Electronic Applications 6 Accept the Applicant Check box and click “submit”

7 Pre Printed Forms 7 Click on volunteer name to open record to update it Volunteer Status

8 Handwritten (Blank) Applications 8 Click to open blank form

9 Handwritten (Blank) Applications eAYSO tries to assist the CVPA 9

10 Fill in All Fields 10 Fill-in volunteer information.

11 11 Confirms Volunteer is now registered. Green is Good !

12 Working with Records 12 Select by IDSelect by Name Click on volunteer name to open record and update

13 Volunteer Records 13 Lists Volunteer positions currently & previously held.

14 Volunteer Records 14 Volunteer’s Certification Record

15 Volunteer Records 15 Registration History

16 Creating Custom Positions 16 Click Region>Custom Positions

17 Custom Positions 17 Create name for new Custom Position(s) List of Custom Positions created by your Region

18 Managing Volunteer Positions. 18 Click Region- Volunteer-Manage Positions

19 Managing Volunteer Positions DELETING Positions. 19 Click Region- Volunteer-Manage Positions

20 Merge Volunteer Records 20 Click to open merge function

21 Merging Volunteer Records 21 Type ID number, click Search, click Merge to combine duplicate records Decide which information will survive in merged record

22 REPORTS Volunteer Volunteer Export Volunteer Applicant Export Volunteer Parent Jobs Volunteer Labels Volunteer Certification (NEW Now 2 Choices: All or Highest Position ) Volunteer Position-Certification (lists all Certs) Volunteer App Received Special CVPA Volunteer Export 22

23 Reports Menu 23 Special for CVPAs

24 Reports: Volunteer 24 Click Reports>Volunteer Select Volunteer Position(s)

25 Reports: Volunteer (cont.) 25

26 Volunteer Export 26 Volunteer Export: Choose fields to create report

27 27 Save Report Templates Click “Save & Export”. Name your report & click “Save”

28 Volunteer Applicant Export 28 Volunteer Export: Choose fields to create report

29 Volunteer Applicant Export 29 NEW special fields available thru this report For e-Sign Regions

30 Volunteer Parent Jobs 30 Vol Parent Jobs: Available to help associate Volunteers with their Player

31 Volunteer Parent Jobs Report (cont) 31

32 32

33 33

34 34

35 Vol App Received 35 Report->Vol App Received: Indicates Which of your Vol forms National Office has received and logged in.

36 Vol App Received (cont) 36

37 Volunteer CVPA Report 37 Path: Region>CVPA>Vol Export Data This report Only for Certified CVPA

38 Volunteer CVPA Report 38

39 eAYSO Help Online Help Function

40 40 Use the tools on HELP: - Excellent Tips - User Guides - Webinars

41 41 Contact information Questions or comments about eAYSO: OR Call (866) 588-2976

42 42 Thank you 42

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