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Cancer Martha Moreno A01194588 Valeria Elizondo A01194577 Regina Carrillo Carola Sada.

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Presentation on theme: "Cancer Martha Moreno A01194588 Valeria Elizondo A01194577 Regina Carrillo Carola Sada."— Presentation transcript:

1 cancer Martha Moreno A01194588 Valeria Elizondo A01194577 Regina Carrillo Carola Sada

2 cancer is a type of diseases characterized by out-of- controll cell growth. there are over 100 types of cancer, each of this type is clasified by the type of cell that is initially affected and destroys it. Cancer harms the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably, it forms masses of tissues called tumors, except for the example of leukemia. tumors, when they are not treated, they can grow and interfere with the digestive, nervous and circulatory systems.

3 Aflatoxin B1 is an aflatoxin produced by Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus, its is produced by fungi as mold in cheese. Milk products such as cheeses may be contaminated by aflatoxin 1 when dairy cattle have consumed feeds contaminated with aflatoxin B1. As it relates to food, aflatoxins tend to contaminate some foods more than others. Peanuts are a biggy. Peanuts and cheeses tend to provide favorable conditions for aflatoxin production both during growth and storage. Other foods/products include cooking oils, cassava, corn, cotton seed, millet, rice, sunflower seeds, tree nuts, sorghum, wheat and various spices. Aflatoxin-related compounds have even been found in the products of animals who fed on contaminated grains. “High level aflatoxin exposure produces an acute hepatic necrosis, resulting later in cirrhosis, and/or carcinoma of the liver.” So in other words, it’s possible your liver will slowly stop working and die, or get cancer.

4 1.a cancerous cell moves throughout the body using blood systems, destroying healthy tissue. 2.the cell manages to divide and grow making new blood vessels to feed itself.

5 Aflatoxin causes DNA damage and with prolonged exposure to aflatoxin, cells accumulate DNA mutations and thus are at increased risk of developing into cancer cells.

6 It forms a reactive epoxide intermediate, which then forms a covalent bond to the N7 atom of guanine in site-specific sequences within critical target genes leading to mutations, altered function, loss of function of those genes. p53 is a major target for aflatoxin.

7 Long-term exposure to aflatoxin has been linked to increased incidence of liver cancer. aflatoxin

8 It is belevied that if we can increase the consumption of leafy green vegetables in particular, those that are rich in chlorophyll, that we might be able to reduce the amount of aflatoxin that is absorbed.

9 Causes and Prevention/994/Causes, Mold: Aflatoxin action.html ?, D. (2012, November 27). Aflatoxin Exposure: Reason for Concern? Retrieved October 22, 2014. (2000, December) Aflatoxin in examples of “Minas” Retrieved October 22, 2014. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2014. cer-oncology/

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