Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 Writing Paragraphs. Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 Important Points  A paragraph must be about one thing.  This one thing should be so clear.

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1 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 Writing Paragraphs

2 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 Important Points  A paragraph must be about one thing.  This one thing should be so clear that you could make a heading for each paragraph if needed.

3 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 Important Points  When writing a series of paragraphs, connections within each paragraph must also be clear.  Every paragraph will contain at least 4 important elements.

4 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 1. Topic Sentence  A typical paragraph begins with a topic sentence, a general “umbrella” statement that explains what the rest of the paragraph is about.  Anything that does not relate to this controlling idea should be left out.

5 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 2. The Supporting Details  Your support may take several forms:  Your support may take several forms: examples examples statistics statistics connected reasons/definitions connected reasons/definitions authorities authorities

6 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 2. The Supporting Details  The sources of support will depend on the nature of the assignment: a formal research essay may require all four a formal research essay may require all four a less formal paper will rely chiefly on reasons and examples for its strength. a less formal paper will rely chiefly on reasons and examples for its strength.  You should try to focus on one aspect of the topic.

7 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 3. Conclusion  Your conclusion is not only your last word on the subject but also an opportunity for you to reinforce your argument.  Try not to repeat what you have already said, but ensure that you bring everything together in a logical fashion.

8 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 4. Transitions  Transitions are signals of a turn in thought.  Transitions are used in everyday speech just as they are in paragraphs.

9 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 4. Transitions  You may say, for example, “And you know what else?” to add or elaborate on a point; “Sure, but,” to disagree with another’s argument.

10 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 4. Transitions  Many of these transitions cannot be easily transferred to the printed page.  They are too casual to suit formal writing.  Instead, formal transitions must be used.

11 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 4. Transitions  To Add: And And Also Also In addition In addition Furthermore Furthermore As well As well

12 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 4. Transitions  To Illustrate: For example For example For instance For instance In other words In other words That is That is

13 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 4. Transitions  To Change Direction: But But However However Conversely Conversely Although Although Whereas Whereas

14 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 4. Transitions  To Summarize or Conclude: Finally Finally Therefore Therefore As a result As a result Consequently Consequently

15 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 Language Conventions  In order to ensure that your paragraph is effective, you must use formal language and vocabulary.  This includes making sure that your sentences are complete and free of any errors in structure.

16 Mr. Mehrotra ENG 2P0 Language Conventions  In your paragraph, you must demonstrate a command of grade appropriate spelling and grammar.  This includes using formal writing conventions; in other words, no contractions (don’t, won’t, couldn’t, etc.)

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