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How would you define a family?

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Presentation on theme: "How would you define a family?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How would you define a family?

2 Family A group of people who love and care for each other.

3 Family Patterns Single Couples Nuclear Families Single-Parent Families
Blended Families Extended Adoptive Legal Guardians Foster Families

4 Characteristics of a Strong Family
Journal: What do you think makes for a strong family?

5 1. Communication Family members need to exchange so much information, from coordinating schedules to sharing dreams and fears. One common barrier to effective communication is television. People communicate love unmistakably, both verbally and non-verbally.

6 2. Respect each other. Family members realize that each person is different. They take pride in individual traits and abilities. Respect for others’ opinions requires sensitivity. Everyone needs privacy.

7 3. Commitment Commitment is a pledge to support something of value.
They are willing to work together and sacrifice for the benefit of the family unit. They take genuine interest in the happiness and welfare of each family member.

8 4. Acting Responsibly People learn to do the jobs that are expected of them, without reminders or pressure. Family members care for each other and support each other.

9 5. Sharing Values and Beliefs
These may range from thoughts and about education and politics to relgious beliefs and social conditions. A core of beliefs provides stability and a share outlook on life.

10 6. Spending Time Together
Strong families explore common interests and activities. Sharing at least one leaisrue activity a week is a goal many strong families achieve.

11 Journal Part 2 How does your family demonstrate commitment?
How does your family show respect? How does your family communicate with each other? What kinds of responsibilities do each of your family members perform? What are some shared values your family agrees upon? What types of activities do you share with family members?

12 Family Life Cycle Predictable stages as a family moves from life as a couple, through parenting, and into later years.

13 Couple This a period of adjustment. The couple learns to think and act as a team They learn to rely on each other and yet maintain their individuality. This is a time to build a foundation for their life together

14 Expanding (Part One of Parental Years)
During the first part of the parental stage, new members are added to the family. Focus is on home and family life. Young children require a great deal of time and attention from parents.

15 Developing (Part Two of Parental Years)
Children enter school, and more activities focus outside the home. As children reach their teenage years, children are getting ready to leave the family and work on independence skills

16 Launching (Part Three of Parental Years)
Children are sent out on their own. Sometimes is lengthened with adult children return home.


18 Stages of Family Development
Couple Expanding Family Developing Launching Middle years Retirement In groups of two to four, list at least three crisis that can act as “detours” for each of the stages of development?

19 Case Study Write a case study describing a detour for your stage of the family. Include the following pieces of info.: names and ages of individuals in family, family type, and a detailed description of detour. Exchange your problem with another group. Provide a possible solution to the situation and two community resources that could help with situation.


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