SMA Stellar Presentation Mike Barker 20 July 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "SMA Stellar Presentation Mike Barker 20 July 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMA Stellar Presentation Mike Barker 20 July 2001

2 Agenda High-Level Feature Set Architectural Underpinnings How will this be used by NUS?

3 Basic Features Course home page; Topical index (topics can be weekly or thematic); Course calendar; Various specific lists of content (readings, lecture notes, videos, other); Announcements; Class list, staff list; Class help, Stellar help. Bulletin board system

4 Key Requirements 1.functional: does what's needed. 2.supportable: yes. 3.extensible: yes. 4.simple to use: yes. 5.available soon: now.

5 Key Points Stellar has been designed for usability and enhancement At this point, Stellar development continues to add functions. TAs, Administrative staff, and Faculty can add content, arrange and rearrange, and become familiar with the system. As other DLCs and Stanford adopt Stellar and add tools, functions, and content, the system will continue to grow.

6 Let's Look At Stellar Stellar Student View Stellar Faculty View Stellar Construction Sites: stellar (note: these may not be available at all times, these are active development sites) jive threaded discussion boardstellarjive

7 Stellar Summer Additions Discussion Board (Jive, Panfora) [Jive, First level DONE!] Websis, MIT libraries, MIT Event calendar integration MyStellar "miniportal" – student, faculty Reuse and shared content tools Additional styles (look-and-feel)

8 Stellar Summer Additions (2) Course setup tools User management tools Assessment tools (quiz/test, homework handling, survey) FAQ management Chat/zephyr/IM

9 An Architectural View Site Nexus Arc ContentArc Content Tool Syllabus by date Syllabus XSL TR Tool Syllabus by date Syllabus XSL TR Tool Syllabus by date Syllabus XSL TR User Role Group User Group Role Organization (groups of courses) Content Users Tools

10 Schedule Testing: Functionality, Error Conditions, Load, Recovery: In Progress Hardware: server installed in W91 July 27 Staff Orientations: In Progress Documentation: Draft "quick start" overdue, now scheduled for July 27 with final Aug 17

11 NUS Support EMCC will provide training for CIT NUS will be able to set up and correct student accounts directly

12 Background Technical Info

13 Stellar-June Design Goals Provide students with easily navigable, rich web course environment Provide faculty, TAs, etc. with easy, effective ways to put content into system Does not require a large central technical staff. I.e. minimize operations, maintenance, and support requirements Ensure that system is extensible, I.e. that it is easy to add additional capabilities Allow for continuing additions, enhancements, and improvements Must be accessible (ADA)

14 Stellar-June Design Goals Robust, scalable, and sustainable Security, privacy, and intellectual property issues Support reuse and shared use of content Provide support for good pedagogical practices Support integration with external institutional systems Easy to use "standard" look and feel and course organization, as well as custom appearance and organization. Support a number of portal environments (design to work with uPortal in particular but not necessarily exclusively Easy, effective ways to set up and organize system

15 Stellar Design Parameters 1.Functional - does what MIT needs 2.Supportable (at relatively low expense, by relatively few people) 3.Extensible (open software, but also based on standards) 4.Simple to use by TAs, administrative assistants, and faculty 5.Integrates with external institutional systems 6.Provides for security, privacy, and addresses intellectual property issues 7.Easy to use "standard" look and feel and course organization, plus customizable appearance & organization. 8.Support reuse and shared use of content 9.Provide support for good pedagogical practices 10.Must be accessible (ADA) 11.Support a number of portal environments (designed to work with uPortal in particular but not necessarily exclusively) 12.Has a process for additions, enhancements, and improvements

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